Chapter 7

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Today had been fun. Even when we were all being chased by a mob of teenage girls in a mall, did Harry manage to keep me laughing. When he said he was going to spoil me, I had underestimated him. I ended up walking out of the mall with around 20 bags in my hand, which thankfully Harry helped with or I probably would've toppled over.

"You really didn't have to buy all that stuff, Harry." I gestured to the trunk of the car.

Harry nodded his head, "I didn't, you're right. But there's a difference between having to and wanting to." He caressed my cheek, before pulling me closer to him. He placed his lips softly against mine and my eyes fluttered shut.

"Harry and Tatum!" Niall cleared his throat, while clapping his hands at us.

"What?" We both asked in unison, pulling out of the kiss.

"If you guys weren't sucking faces you would've heard the question." Niall bluntly stated.

"What the hell was the question?" Harry asked, taking his gaze off of me to over to Niall.

He cleared his throat as if about to make some big announcement before rambling on about how everyone else was hungry and if we had any food ideas. "But as we all can see, you too have already found your meal." Louis blurted out, causing everyone to burst into a hysterics; leaving Harry and I blushing.

"Shut up." I playfully flipped Louis off. He held up a heart with his hands before blowing me a kiss. I just shook my head, laughing before snuggling closer to Harry.

Minutes of silence went by before Niall spoke up again, "So did you guys have any food ideas or not?"

"No. Since you're always the one hungry, how about you tell us?" Harry asked.

Niall thought long and hard as he rubbed his hand over his chin.


"Hey ya'll! I'm Amy and I'll be your server for today? Can I start ya'll off with some drinks?" The waitress strolled up to us as we settled in our booth. Her country accent told me right away that she wasn't from here. She had curly brunette hair, pale green eyes and a few freckles scattered across her face. She was pretty, I'll give her that. She looked to be around the age of 16 or 17, so not much younger than us. And what shocked me the most, was how she didn't seem too phased by the whole the worlds most famous boy band was sitting directly in front of her, and for that I was grateful.

Everyone smiled up at her as we each ordered our drinks. She returned it before scurrying off. A few moments later, she appeared around the corner and handed us the cups. "Have ya'll had enough time to think over what ya' want or do ya' still need more time?" She cheeked at us. We all rolled our eyes over the menu once more before agreeing that we were indeed ready to order.

She quickly wrote down everything before collecting our menus and taking off to the kitchen. "So Simon is away on business, but he said whenever he gets back he'll phone because he wants to talk to us all, all including you Tatum." Liam spoke up, raising his arms and letting them rest behind his head.

"About what?" I shook my head in confusion.

"I... don't know. That's kinda what the meeting is for?" He smirked across the table at me. I simply nodded my head and brought the cup to my lips before taking a long drag from the straw.

Resting the cup onto the table again, my mind wander back to the note Kenzie and Hanna slipped underneath the door, and how Harry reacted to it. I mean, maybe I should tell him. For all I know, he could help me figure out what the hell she means by it. And the more I think I know exactly what she's talking about, the more I refuse to believe it and push it back. That can't be it, she doesn't know. How could she? I would repeatedly tell myself.

I didn't realize a tear had fell from my eye until Harry reached out and wiped it away. "He was being sarcastic, love." He chuckled.

"I know." I nodded slightly, before flipping my hair to the opposite side.

"Then what's wrong?" Harry's expression quickly turning into worry. I shook my head as in saying 'nothing'. He glared at me, "We'll be right back." Harry told everyone before pushing me out of the booth.

"What, Harry? I'm fine!" I insisted.

"That's bullshit and you know it, Tatum. I'm not stupid!" He yelled back at me.

"Harry, just let it go! I'm fine!"

"Is this about that stupid note from earlier? Huh?" He questioned. And as I stayed silent he spoke once again, "It is, isn't it? Tell me what it said, you have no choice anymore!" He demanded.

I squinted my eyes at him, "And who do you think you are to tell me when and when I don't have a choice for anything? You're not my mother, you're not my father, and you're most definitely not my boyfriend... so stop acting like you have any type of control over me!" I shouted before angrily stomping back into the restaurant, probably leaving him not only speechless but heartbroken as well.

A/N: This is probably the shortest any of the chapters will ever be, I apologize! But the next chapter will be especially long to make up for it!

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