Chapter 11

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I furrowed my eye brows in confusion as Harry handed me the package. I didn't know what to expect. Why would anyone be sending me anything to this location? I let out a breath that I wasn't aware I was holding as I ripped the package open. As soon as I did this, a putrid odor filled the room. "Oh my god, that's disgusting." I tossed the bundle onto the floor and jumped off the island I was currently sitting on.

"What the hell is that?" He plugged his nose and grabbed a hold of me at the same time. I shrugged my shoulders as I crinkled my nose. The awful smell began to make my stomach turn and I turned green in the face. "Babe, go upstairs. I'll take care of it." Harry rubbed my arm before leading me to the staircase. 

I raced up the stairs and into the bathroom. I had just barely made it to the toilet before I tossed my cookies. "Are you okay?" Niall leaned against the door frame.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I slowly wiped my mouth before standing up. I watched as all the vomit raced down the toilet as I flushed it. A look of disgust was plastered on my face as I peeled my eyes away. 

"You sure? Do you need anything?" Niall placed his hand on my shoulder. 

I shook my head, "Thanks, but I'm fine." I reassured him with a small smile before walking out into the hallway. Padding into Harry's bedroom, I found him sprawled across the bed. He looked up at me and half smiled. 

"What?" There was something off about his expression. 

"There was a note on the back of that package." He held out a little card. I snatched it out of his hand and quickly read over it countless times. Unless you want to end up like this, I suggest you stay away. I balled up my fist, crumpling the paper in the process. I could almost feel the steam spew out of my ears as I threw the note across the room. Turning on my heels, I raced out of the bedroom and down the staircase. 

I heard Harry call my name countless times while he trailed behind me, but at this point I was too angry to stop. "Tatum, stop!" Harry gripped my waist, spinning me around to face him. 

"Let go of me, Harry." I snatched my arm away from him and stepped back. 

His eyebrows furrowed before he spoke up, "Where are you going?" He closed the space between us that I had created. 

"Home." I blankly stated, looking behind my shoulder every so often. I wanted him to get the point that I wanted to leave, I was in no way in the mood to be here right now. 

"Can I at least drive you?" He softly spoke, wrapping one arm around my waist. 

Shaking my head, I pulled out of his embrace. "I drove myself here, there's no reason for you to drive me home. I'm going to go now. Don't follow me Harry, please." I stood up on my tippy toes and pecked his cheek before heading out of their flat. Staring back at him I could see the hurt in his eyes, and I wanted nothing more than to be able to comfort him but I just couldn't bring myself to turn around. As I closed the door, I sighed heavily and my eyes fluttered shut to keep the tears from slipping down my face. 

I hadn't talked to Harry in a couple days. Although he would occasionally text and call me, I would never return them. I had so much stuff weighing heavy on my mind and I didn't know how to handle all this at the same time. And once again, I was locked up in my room with no contact from the outside world. With my dad being gone, Ariana spending most of her spare time with Zayn, my grandparents always at work, and Harry and I not speaking, I felt more alone than ever. 

The hate still hasn't died down and it was only adding onto the stress that was building up in me. Sure, I had the support of my fans and a few of the boys', but it wasn't enough to feel the gaping hole that was surely expanding by the minute. 

There was a soft knock on my door that broke me from my deep thoughts. "Come in," I softly spoke, wiping the tears that were brimming at my eyes. "Hi Grandpa." I shyly smiled over at him as he closed the door behind him. 

"Hey sweetheart, I wanted to talk to you. May I?" He gestured down next to me on the bed. Nodding my head, I pulled my legs up to my chest to make room for him. "Alright, tell me what's going on." He inquired. 

"What do you mean?" 

"Tell me what's been the matter with you these past couple of days. You've been so gloomy. I haven't seen you this glum since you know..." He trailed over, leaving me to finish the sentence for him. 

"I don't know where to even begin." I slightly laughed. 

"Start off with telling me why you're not talking to Harry." He cocked his eyebrows up at me. 

"How'd you know about that?" 

"Oh come on, I may be old but I'm not oblivious." He cheeked. 

I grinned over at him before sighing, "The hate is so overwhelming, Grandpa. It's like no matter how hard I try to ignore it, the pain doesn't go away. I want to be happy for once and Harry was my source of happiness. But when I'm constantly being attacked for simply being with someone that makes me happy, it's hard..." And the waterworks return. I sniffled back a few tears before continuing, "I just don't think I'm cut out for this whole ordeal." 

He stayed silent for a few seconds before speaking, "You really like this boy, don't you?"

I nodded my head, "So so much." 

"So why are you letting what all these irrelevant fuckers--excuse my language, get in the way of your happiness? They're jealous because you have something that they don't," 

"But I want them to like me, I want them to accept me because they are what makes Harry happy as well." I sniffled. 

"That's correct. But you should never let what other people think about you control your actions. If they really cared about Harry, they'd want him to be happy. And if you're making him happy that's all that should matter to them. Don't think lesser of yourself just because someone's so insecure and jealous that they have to hate on you over a computer screen. Now, Harry's downstairs right now. I'm going to send him up here and you guys are gonna fix this. Got it?" He eyed me. I bowed my head at him as he stood up. 

"Thank you, Grandpa. I love you," I stand up and throw my arms around him, he returns the gesture with a soft pat on the back. 

"I love you too, darling." He kissed my forehead before exiting the room. He was right. I needed to stop worrying about what everyone else thought and finally do what makes me happy. 

Harry peeked his head into the doorway and I smiled over at him. I ran into his arms and buried my face into the crook of his neck. I inhaled his scent as he yanked me closer to him. "I don't deserve your forgiveness, but you still deserve my apology," I pulled away from and planted a soft kiss against his lips. "I'm so sorry." I tugged him back into the hug and sighed a breath of relief as he whispered those 3 words I had been craving to hear. 

"I forgive you."  

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