Chapter 1

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It's been three years now since my dad passed away, and I still miss him terribly. No matter how much I wanted to deny it, I knew my mother was the reason for it.

My dad gave her the world; he treated her like a queen. She had everything she could have ever wanted, and he loved her so much.

My father worked a lot, but when he wasn't working, he would always be spending time with us. My mother was too busy screwing her boss to realize how great she truly had it.

My dad found out about the affair and instantly started stressing over it. He was always frantic about what he was doing wrong and how he could fix it. Then my mother did the unthinkable, she filed for divorce. He was absolutely heartbroken; they were together since their freshman year of high school, and he didn't want anybody else.

It was my freshman year in high school when I came home to find him sprawled across the couch, empty whiskey bottle on the table, and a gun lying next to him. I cradled his lifeless body in my arms and cried for hours.

My mother had came home, to collect more of her things I assumed, when she saw me crouched over, crying into my fathers chest. "THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" I remember shouting at her. She didn't even move she stood in the doorway, with her mouth left ajar.

I had to live with my grandparents for the reminder of my high school career, because I refused to live with my mother.

My father was the only person that knew I loved to sing, he was the only person that had ever actually heard me sing.

I had known Ariana since kindergarten and not even she had ever heard me. We were seniors when she finally heard me sing, it wasn't even purposely either.

I was listening to a song on YouTube one day in my room, and was completely unaware that she was standing right outside my door, when I started singing along.

She rushed into my room and began gawking at me. When I saw her, I quickly stopped singing. "What are you doing here?" I asked her. I could feel my cheeks heating up and I was instantly embarrassed.

"Why didn't you tell me you could sing?" She stared at me with her mouth wise open, "Not just that you can, but that you're insanely good!" I really don't know, to be quite honest. I guess I was just too shy for anyone to hear me, besides my dad. I shrugged, before reaching over to pause the music. She walked over to where I stood and took the laptop from me.

"Wh...What are you doing?" I stammered.

She smirked at me, "Creating you a YouTube account." I had instantly declined as I ran over to her. "Oh come on, it's so selfish of you to hide your talent. One video and if it doesn't get any hits, which it definitely will, you can delete the account. Please?" She pleaded.

"I don't know..." My father had too pressed the subject once, but I was far too nervous.

"Please Tate..." Ariana pleaded once more, pulling on her best puppy dog face.

"Fine...fine." I threw my hands up in the air in defeat. I knew no matter how much of a fight I tried to put up a fight, she wasn't going to back down. She clapped her hands and squealed before typing away on the keys.

"And just so I know you're actually gonna post the video," she clicks on the little camcorder in the corner. "You're gonna sing it now, and I'm gonna spend the entire weekend here so you can't delete it." She beamed at me.

"What song?" I sighed; because I knew putting up a fight wasn't going to get me anywhere. She told me to sing the song she walked in on me singing. Ariana placed the laptop in front of us on the bed before clicking start.

"Hi guys, I'm Ariana. Tatum here," she points to me, "Is usually gonna be giving these introductions, but it's her first video and she's a little nervous at the moment. She's an amazingly good singer, so I'm kind of forcing her to make this video. You all are gonna love her, I promise." She stuck her thumbs into the air as I restarted the song.

I let out the breath that I didn't even know I was holding, as I began singing, "You make me feel like I'm losing my virginity..." I started off and as I did so, I could slowly feel the nervousness drift away. As the song progressed, I could feel myself loosening up. By the end of the song, all my nerves had dispersed. Singing for people was exhilarating now, whereas it use to be terrifying.

Squealing, Ariana stopped the video and her arms shot around my shoulders. "You're so good! I can't wait to see that video blow up." I had felt satisfied with the video after us watching it. She moved the cursor over to the publish button and quickly clicked it before I could change my mind. "I say you'll get at least 1,000 hits by Sunday." She says as I stare at her in bewilderment.

"Are you crazy? Try like 100, probably not even that."

We were both wrong.

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