Chapter 30

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Tatum's POV.

I was physically and emotionally numb the entire plane ride back home. Although I knew I was probably going to regret this decision later, I couldn't help but think this was the right thing to do. As much as I do love Harry, the negativity was just all too much for me. I've stated so many times before that attention just wasn't for me. I don't know what made me think I was cut out for this lifestyle, but I was done for good this time.

There was no running back to Harry anymore, I was going to do my best at distancing myself from him. Will it be hard? Hell yes. Will I be able to do it? I have no choice any longer, it was time to move on... no matter how much I wanted to keep holding on.

I should've known from the beginning it wouldn't work between the two of us. We are from two completely different worlds, and he needs someone that can keep up with that type of lifestyle and everyone could tell I wasn't fit for the job. All his fans could tell that I wasn't cut out, that's why they did what they did. They knew for a fact Harry and I wouldn't last, I should've listened to them before I got so emotionally attached. God, how could I have been so stupid and naive?

The first task I was going to do when the plane landed was change my phone number. If I was really going to get over him, I was going to need no contact with him whatsoever. I had even unfollowed him on every social media network he had and was currently deleting the pictures of Harry and I that had once filled my camera roll.

As I scrolled through the pictures making sure I had deleted each one, I came across one I had forgotten. It was my favorite one of us, how could I have forgot about it? Liam was trying to take a picture of Harry and I in the snow when he thought it would be a brilliant idea to shove a handful of snow in my face. There was a shocked grin plastered against my face as he grinned at Liam, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and thrusting his arm into the air. I, of course murder him afterwards, but the picture had turned out more decent than I thought it would.

My thumb hovered over the little trash can icon at the lower right hand corner of my phone screen, but I just couldn't press it. For some reason, I just couldn't get myself to delete the god damn picture. I sighed slightly before dropping the phone in lap and letting the music seeping through my ear-buds take me far, far away from my memories with Harry.

My escape was short lived when Harry and I's cover to All About Us radiated throughout my ears. I forgot I had even bought the song as I hurriedly changed it, but every song after that only reminded me of a time I spent with him. Getting over Harry was going to be harder than I expected.

Harry's POV.

I miss her more than words could ever explain. And it's all my fault that she's gone. I should've chased after her, I should've convinced her to stay but I didn't, and now she's gone for good. To say I was beating myself up about this would be an understatement. How could I have been so stupid to just let her slip away from me again? I promised myself that I wouldn't ever let her slip through my fingertips again, but here I am moping around in bed while she's on a plane ride home.

I hadn't taken into consideration of how she must've been feeling. Throughout all the hate and negativity being thrown at her, I should've known she wasn't ready for this kind of commitment. I wish we could've flown underneath the radar, but being who I am, that would have never been matter how hard I tried. I wish I could've been of more help, I should've known how much stress this was causing her. When I first found out she was cutting I should've found help, I shouldn't have just sat there and believed she would stop. How naive of me.

It wasn't until a warm liquid ran down my arm that I realized I was crying. How could I have let her go? Why did I just let her walk away like that? Why didn't I chase after her? So many questions were filling my head at once and I couldn't handle it all. My hands shot up and I squeezed my head, hoping it would make it all stop. When it wouldn't, I ripped open the curtain to my bed and made a dart for the bathroom. I splashed water in my face numerous times before glaring into the eyes of a monster. And before I knew it, my fist was slamming into the mirror. Glass shattered everywhere and my hand was bleeding drastically, but I didn't care anymore. All I wanted was my baby girl, and she wasn't here.

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