Chapter 21

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A raging ache pounded throughout my head as I arose from my deep slumber. I looked over to find Harry's chest rising and falling, still sound asleep. His hands were crossed over his chest, and his lips were slightly parted. And even with a tiny dribble of drool dried up on his chin, he still managed to look absolutely perfect. The longer I concentrated on him, the bigger the smile on my face grew. Leaning over, I kissed his cheek before swinging my legs over the edge of the bed.

My smile spread even wider when I noticed the water and two aspirins laid out on the bedside table. I quickly popped them in my mouth, taking a gulp of the water and swallowing the pills. Standing up, I took one final glance at Harry before padding out of his room and down the staircase.

"Hey, how ya' feeling?" Liam threw his arm around my shoulders, joining me on my journey down the stairs. "You were totally trashed last night." He let out a faint chuckle as we reached the edge of the steps.

I laughed, "Yeah, I'm good now. I have a major headache, but other than that I'm fine."

"Do you need anything, aspirin maybe?" He raised his eyebrows, grinning up at me from his spot on the couch.

I shook my head, "Harry laid some out for me, I'm good." I reassured him with a smile before ruffling his hair, and exiting the living room and making my way into the kitchen.

I pulled out a bottle of orange juice and filled my glass up with it. Taking a few sips, I leaned on the counter and watched the television from there. "Upcoming singer Tatum Hall, aka Harry Styles' ex-girlfriend, is rumored to be an opening act for One Direction's upcoming tour." I spit out my juice and Liam turned back to look at me.

"You alright, love?" He smirked, chuckling at my reaction.

I vigorously shook my head, covering my face with my hand. Taking my OJ in my hand, I strolled over to sit next to him on the sofa. "This is all still so surreal to me. It's insane to think that in just a few weeks, I'll be traveling the world with you losers."

He faked gasped, covering his mouth with his hand as he glared over at me. "Losers? I beg to differ."

"Only losers say 'I beg to differ,' Liam." I jokingly rolled my eyes at him.

"Oh whatever, we may be losers but were your losers." He playfully pushed me, causing me to giggle.

"I'll let you think that," I smirked over at him, taking another sip of juice.

And for a moment everything was silent. The only things you could hear was the voice of some lady spreading gossip about anyone and everyone, and the faint sound of cars. I stared out on the balcony, noticing two or three by-passers walking along the sidewalk.

"Hey," We heard a deep, raspy voice carry down the staircase. Liam and I both stared back to find a shirtless Harry.

"You're finally up," I teased him as he walks over to the sofa and plops down next to me. A faint smile tugged at his lips enough to make his dimples pop from his cheeks. He tossed his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him, planting a soft kiss against my temple.

"Recent studies have shown that Tatum Hall and Harry Styles are officially back together. An anonymous insider has admitted to seeing them walking into the bathroom of a club together," And right next to the woman's face, was a picture of Harry and I, stumbling into the bathroom. "What do you think about this? Do you guys ship the two? Tweet us with the hash-tag #TarryorNah and tell us what you think."

My mouth was left ajar by this. I was absolutely baffled. "What happened in the bathroom, Harry?" I bit my lip, terrified of the answering I knew I was about to receive. I couldn't even look at him that's how completely humiliated I knew I was about to feel.

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