Chapter 12

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There were only four more days of winter break and I was determined to spend the remaining days with Harry. We had planned to be together the entire break, but we weren't speaking for a week and some days of it. And looking back on it, I've come to the realization that it's always my fault why we end up arguing.

After that pep talk from my Grandpa, my ambition to fix things between us was at an all time high. No matter how long it took, I was going to mend whatever wounds I had caused both, Harry and I.

I was done listening to the hate; I was determined to not let any of it phase me. No matter what they said, I was going to stay strong for our relationship. We deserve to be happy, together.

"Oh, you little cheater!" I screeched, trying to knock Harry's controller from his hand like he had previously done to me. He let out a laugh as he repeatedly yanked away from me. When I realized what a lose cause it was, I quickly regained my controller from the floor. But by this time, he had already crossed the finish line and was thrusting his hands up in the air.

"Victory is mine!" He grinned.

"Only because you cheated," I reminded him. Harry smirked over at me so his dimples were evidently popping out from his cheeks.

"I would've won regardless, babe." He pointed out in a matter of fact tone. Sticking my tongue out, I began to mimic him. "Unless you plan on using that, I suggest you put it back in your mouth." Harry retorted, smirking.

"Yeah, that's my cue to leave." I threw my head back in laughter, standing up from my spot on the floor.

He pouted out his bottom lip and forced his eyes to form gloss, "Don't go." He whimpered.

"You're such a big baby," I remained by the door. He strolled over to me and pinned me against the wall. A slow moan escaped my lips as his mouth traveled down my neck, leaving soft kisses down it. Not this again. "Harry, stop." I sighed, pushing him away.

He slightly groaned as he stepped back from me. "Sorry," He mumbled, stumbling back over to his bed.

"I'm gonna go, I'll see you tomorrow?" I inquired, awkwardly. He just nodded his head as he switched the game screen back to regular television. I waited another minute to see if he'd come say good bye and when he didn't, I sighed.

"I thought you were leaving?" He glared up at me for a split second before focusing his gaze back to the t.v screen.

", yeah....right. Bye." I quickly turned on my heels and exited the bedroom.

Over analyzing was my expertise. If they had a job for over thinkers, I'd be the C.E.O of the company. And over analyzing was exactly what I began to do as I made my way out the apartment I've grown to know so well. Was he mad at me because I didn't want things to escalate any farther between us yet? If that's the case, he might as well leave now. I have too much self respect to just give it up to anyone...even if that anyone is Harry Styles. I knew the media pinned him as the womanizer type, but I was never one to believe anything the media put out. But his reaction to this incident is only making me reconsider everything I thought I knew about Harry. Was he really only after sex?

I pulled up in my driveway a little after midnight and I knew if my grandparents caught me, I'd be so dead. Although I was 18, they advised me to be home before 12 a.m. I was hoping they were already in their room, fast asleep. But when I saw the living room light on, I mentally cursed at myself. I sighed as I turned the door knob to the house and took a step inside the warm house.

I tried to quietly close the door and creep up the stairs, but when I got midway up, the stair I was currently stepping on to decided to creek. "Tatum, get down here." I heard my grandmother's soft, yet stern voice call up the stairs.

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