Chapter 20

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- Harry's P.O.V -

When I had woken up, Tatum was still fast asleep. She looked so peaceful sleeping. She had a faint smile on her face, and I could only imagine what she could be dreaming about. I tossed the duvet aside, and slowly climbed out of the bed, careful not to wake her. I arched my back before walking into the bathroom across the hall.

My shower was longer than usual because of the memories Tatum and I shared kept flashing throughout my mind. She was officially mine again and I wasn't going to do anything to jeopardize our relationship again. As I jumped out of the shower, I wrapped a towel around my torso before making my way out into the hallway.

"Sorry." Niall slightly mumbled as he turned the corner sharply, almost ramming into me.

"Niall, I need to talk to you." I called after him as he made his way down the staircase.

He turned around and looked up at me, "Yeah, I'll talk to you when you have more than a towel tangling from your waist." He remarked before continuing down the stairs. I let out a soft chuckle as I made my way back into my room, finding a now wide awake Tatum.

"Morning, beautiful." I leaned over to peck her lips.

"Harry, it's 12 p.m." She groggily replied, laughing slightly before slipping back underneath the duvet.

"Same difference," I nonchalantly stated, rummaging around through my underwear drawer. I could feel her rolling her eyes at the back of my head, and a vague smile found it's way to my mouth. I pulled on a pair of boxers before dropping the towel that hugged my hips. Turning around to face her, I tugged on a pair of skinny jeans and a plain white tee. "I'm going to talk to Niall." I kissed her cheek before exiting the bedroom.

I was thankful when I found Niall sitting on the couch, alone. The other boys didn't have a clue about the tension that was between him and I, and I wanted it to stay that way. Plopping down on the chair adjacent to him, I looked over at him. His eyes met mine and we kind of just stared at each other for a good minute or so before he broke the silence.

"So are we going to talk like you wanted, or can I go upstairs and shower?"

"Look Niall, I had no right to go off on you like I did, you were only trying to help her and I should've understood that. I shouldn't have gotten mad at you and I definitely shouldn't have tried to assault you. I blew it out of proportion and I'm sorry." I finally blurted out. Everything I wanted to tell him was now laid out on the table, and I only hoped he could forgive me. He's my brother and I didn't want anything to ruin the bond we shared.

He nodded his head, "I get it, you love her. I should've respected your wishes to stay away from her."

I shook my head, "No, you shouldn't have. You guys are friends too, I should not have tried to intervene but I let my jealously get the best of me. I just love that girl so damn much, I didn't want to see her happy with anyone but me, and I realize now how insanely selfish that was of me. I really am sorry, Niall."

"Fix the hole in my wall, and all will be forgiven." He smirked over at me, and I laughed.

"Deal." I leaped up from my seat and jumped on top of him.

- Tatum's P.O.V -

I smiled to myself as I eavesdropped on Harry and Niall's conversation. It was so great knowing they were back to being best buds again. I was beginning to feel guilty there for a minute, having knowing I was the reason for the wedge between their friendship. Words couldn't explain how happy I was for the two.

I made my way down the stairs moments after their makeup fest. I didn't want it to appear as though I as listening in on their conversation, even though I was. "Hey," I plopped down on Harry's lap, looking between the two.

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