Chapter 5

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I knew if anyone noticed Harry picking me up, Kenzie and her friend were going to be the least of my problems. As excited as I wanted to be that he was coming to see me, I didn't want any more attention being drawn to me today. But I couldn't just tell him not to come either. Sighing, I shoved my phone back into my pocket and waited for the lesson to begin.

Ariana had attempted to talk to me in our next class, but I would always just brush her off. I didn't want anyone knowing about us hanging out with One Direction, and she knew that, and she still went behind my back and told people. She had even attempted to scoot a piece of paper on my desk, which just ended up on the floor. I didn't have time to listen to her lies. Because if she didn't tell anyone, who could've? No one else knew.

That's when it hit me, I knew exactly who told... and it wasn't Ariana. Our cashier, Alice seemed so familiar now that I look back on that Friday afternoon, at McDonald's. She was Kenzie's older sister, who had graduated the prior year, but she very well knew me. I mentally slapped myself for being so oblivious. The class was almost over and Ariana had eventually given trying to talk to me, and now that I know the truth, I wish she hadn't. The bell rung, dismissing everyone and Ariana managed to be the first person out the door. I had to push and shove through people, and sprint a few feet before I finally caught up.

"Ariana, stop. I know who told Kenzie." I gripped her shoulder, spinning her around.

"Who?" She eagerly piped up.

"Remember Kenzie's older sister, Alice from last year?" I tried to jog her memory and she shook her head. "Yeah well, Alice was our cashier at McDonald's on Friday." Ariana's eyes bulged open and she practically dropped her books on the ground.

"Explains a lot." She shifted the books to her other hand. I nodded my head before apologizing, I knew I was wrong to think Ariana, of all people, would betray me. She was my best friend for crying out loud.

I know it may sound silly that I got so upset over something like that. You're probably thinking I should want people to know, I mean that would mean instant popularity. But that's not what I wanted, at all. I wasn't one for wanting attention. And that's when it hit me, I was just signed to Simon Cowell's record label... the same label as One Direction. And they were the hottest band out there. Which not only meant, I was bond to blow up but that I was going to be receiving much more attention than a couple hundred people in a school... I was going to be receiving thousands, maybe even millions of it, all around the world. I suddenly wasn't so sure about this; about anything, really.

The hallway seemed to be closing in and I felt the room begin to spin. I could hear faint bits of Ariana's interrogations of asking if I was okay. But seconds later, I feel my knees go weak and not a moment later do I crash to the floor.

The first thing I see are a pair of emerald green eyes glistening down at me, as I awaken. "Thank God, you're okay." I felt Harry's arms wrap around me. I wasn't really aware of what had happen, I rubbed my eyes a few times before glancing back up at him. "What happened?" He questioned me.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know... I was hoping you could tell me." I spoke, my voice coming out in a low croak. He bit down on his bottom lips, in deep thought. The look in his eyes showed me that he too was stumped. "How'd I get here?" I shifted around on the couch, glaring around my living room.

He stood up off the couch before speaking, "Your grandparents were stuck at work, so they called the school and told them I was coming to get you instead."

"Where are you going?" I questioned. He pointed to the couch across the room and grinned. I hadn't meant for him to want to move. "Can you... stay with me?" I hesitantly asked. His warmth was inviting, and I wanted nothing more than his arms wrapped around me. Harry smirked before walking back over to me. He slid behind me and snaked his arm around my waist. I stared into his mesmerizing green eyes and smiled before thanking him.

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