Chapter 8

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I hadn't spoke to Harry, or any of the boys for that matter, for a week. I couldn't believe I could say such cruel things to him after everything he's done. He spent a fortune on me just an hour before the argument, he spent weeks trying to break me from my shell, he had done so much for me and that's how I repaid him for if all. I was disappointed in myself, and I knew my father too would've been just as disappointed, if not more.

I had laid in my bed moping for that entire week, my grandparents or Ariana would occasionally come up to check on me or to bring me food; food that would never be touched. But besides from them, I had no communication with the outside world.

And on the 7th day I guess that's when Ariana had had enough. "You're getting up out of this bed today, I don't care what you say." She stormed into my bedroom.

"Excuse me?" I raised an eyebrow up at her. I was so sick and tired of people telling what to do.

"You heard me. You're getting up out of the bed." She crossed her arms and leaned against the wall.

I stood up and hurriedly laid back down, "Well would you look at that, I got out of the bed." I sarcastically mocked her.

"Tatum, I'm getting so sick of this! You have no reason to be locked up in your bed, moping around. You're the one that lashed out of Harry when all he was trying to do was help!"

"Who's side are you on here?" I shouted back at her.

"The right side, and unfortunately you're not that side. Harry's the only one that has an actual reason to be feeling this way right now. If anything, you should be trying to patch things up with him! What you said was uncalled, you knew how much he liked you... yet you had the nerve to say that! Why Tatum?"

"Is he mop... moping around?"

"Yes Tatum, he hasn't been out of his room this entire week. His door has been locked and no ones talked to him since. You really fucked up, and you're gonna fix it... today. So get your ass up and get ready, now! And you better be ready by the time I come back in here because if not, so help me God..." She trailed off, clenching her fist at her sides.

I groaned, "Fine! Just get out!" I pushed her out the bedroom door. I padded into the bathroom and took a quick shower, before pulling on a pair of sweats and a hoodie. I was in no mood to dress up.

"Are you ready?" Ariana poked her head into the door. I slowly nodded my head before following her out to my car.


"Hey babe." Zayn opened the front door and pulled Ariana in for a kiss. I shyly smile at him as he greets me.

"Is Harry still locked in his room?" Ariana sighed. Zayn nodded his head as he led us into the living room.

"Tatum needs to talk to him." She directed me to the staircase with her finger. I rolled my eyes before taking slow strides up the spiral stairs.

"Good luck getting him to even unlock the door." Zayn huffed, before throwing his arm around Ariana. The closer I got to his door, the more I began to reconsider this whole idea.

You can still turn back now, I thought to myself as I approached Harry's door. But I knew that I couldn't, and that I wouldn't. This was all my fault, and like Ariana said, I had to fix it. I sighed as I softly knocked on the door. "Go... away." Harry groaned, his voice sounding muffled as if he was speaking into a pillow. But I repeatedly knocked, never giving up; no matter how many times he told me to go away. "I SAID GO AWAY, WHAT DO YOU WANT..." He yelled as he pulled open the door and once he realized it was me, he trailed off.

"Hi." I softly breathed, slowly going over what I was going to say to him.

"Hi." He mumbled.

I ran my hand over my face and tightly closed my eyes, "Can I... come in?" I spoke slowly. He stood there for a second before stepping out of the way.

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