Chapter 9

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I sat in front of my vanity, tugging at the soft curls that fell to the middle of my back. Ariana raided my closet for the perfect outfit for Harry and I's 'date.' She peered around the door of my closet holding a short black dress in her hand, and questioned me with her eyes.

"I almost forgot I had that, definitely yes!" I jumped up from my seat and snatched the dress from her hands. Running my hand down the fabric, I hurriedly slipped into it.

She strolled over to me handing me a pair of red heels. "So are you gonna tell me why you were crying today?" Ariana sat on my bed, directly across from the vanity.

"I told you." I shrugged the question off.

"You've never been good at lying. So tell me, now." She demanded.

Sighing, I pulled on the last shoe before standing up. I examined the frame of my body in the mirror and mentally applauded Ariana for a job well done.

"Tatum..." She warned me.

"Fine, Harry mentioned how shitty my parents are. Happy?" I threw my hands up before storming out of the room. I don't know where I was headed, but my feet kept moving. As I made my way down the staircase, there was a soft knock on the door. That must be Harry. My anger quickly dispersed as I yanked open the door with a smile; which quickly faded when it wasn't Harry standing before me.

"What are you doing here?" I annoyingly asked Kenzie, leaning against the door.

"Oh nothing, just here to tell you to stay away from Harry...and the rest of the boys for that matter." She crossed her arms over her chest, smirking.

"And if I don't?"

"Trust me, you don't want to find out." And with that, she turned on her heels and disappeared into the night. To say I was scared would be an understatement. I was petrified of what she might have up her sleeve. But nothing she could say or do could keep me away from Harry or the rest of the boys, not again.

A couple minutes later, there was another knock on the door. This better be him, I thought to myself. Taking a hold of the door knob, I pulled it open. A wave of relief washed over me, a smile spread from ear to ear, when I saw Harry standing in front of me. His jaw dropped after his eyes scanned my body and I giggled a little. No guy has even looked at me the way Harry is right now. "Wow..." He finally managed to let out minutes of gawking at me.

"I'm taking it you like it." I grin up at him. He vigorously nodded his head before asking if I was ready to go. I contemplated whether or not I should say bye to Ariana, I decided against it as Harry looped his arm through mine and led me to the Range Rover. The drive to the restaurant was rather silent, but it was more of a comfortable silence than it was awkward.

I glanced out the windshield as we pulled up to a fairly large building. The scenery surrounding the area wasn't really much to look at, but when you step foot in the actual restaurant itself, you can't help but be mesmerized. The ceiling was a beautifully painted mural, with a chandelier hanging peacefully in the center. And I couldn't help but to stare down in fascination at the cobble-stoned flooring. The place was insanely exquisite.

I was so busy admiring the amount of work that was put into the restaurant, that I hadn't notice Harry slipping his fingers through mine. "We're quite full...but I think we can fit you in, sir." I could tell the hostess was trying her best to maintain her composure. "And just as I suspected." She smiled at the both of us before taking two menus and leading us to our table. We both thanked her as she walked away.

"Have you ever been here?" Harry questioned me, looking up from his menu. I shook my head, to be quite frank, I had never heard of this restaurant before. He smirked, pulling the menu away from my face.

"What would you recommend?" I asked him. My mind was instantly crammed with thoughts of the other girls he's probably brought here. I was over analyzing this and I knew that if I didn't stop thinking about it, I would literally drive myself insane. I tried to push back the thoughts and placed my hands underneath my chin, listening to all the possible dinner ideas Harry threw out.

"Hello, I'm Cara and I'll be your server for the night. Can I start you guys off with some drinks?" She smiled over at Harry. She looked to be around the age of 21, maybe a few years older. Her blonde hair, which had brown roots sticking out, was tied up in a perfectly neat bun. She had icy blue eyes and natural rosy cheeks. And her freshly manicured nails tapped away on her notepad awaiting our drink order. Did every restaurant we go to have to beautiful waitresses?

"I'll just take a water." I spoke up, snapping her gaze away from Harry.

She eyed me up and down before turning her attention back to Harry, "And for you?" She cooed. She rested her hands against the table as she leaned closer to us to the point you could practically see down her shirt. Pretty sure this isn't Hooters bitch, I thought to myself. My eyes scanned over Harry's face for any sign that he could actually be attracted to the skanky waitress. I found none.

"Yeah, I'll take a water as well," He nodded up at her. "And I think we're ready to order as well." Harry folded both menus and handed them to Cara. He gave her the order and she grinned at him before prancing off, making sure to stick her butt out.

"She couldn't have made that anymore obvious if she tried." Harry chuckled. I mentally thanked him for not being oblivious to it. I smiled over at him as he laid his hand against mine. "Too bad you're the only girl I want." He softly spoke, so soft I almost didn't hear him. But I did, and my cheeks instantly heated up.

"I have a question for you, Tatum."

"And what would that be?"

He climbed out of the booth and knelt down on one knee. He smiled up at me, Harry held out a small black box and my eyes widen. What the hell was going on? "Will you do the honors of being my girlfriend?" He opened the box and in it sat a beautiful silver ring. "It's a promise ring, don't worry." He chuckled.

I uncontrollably nodded my head, "But Harry, you might want to get up. Ya' know, before people start to get the wrong idea. They're already starting to stare."

"Let them stare." He slipped the ring onto my finger before pulling me in for a kiss.


The sun shined brightly through the curtains of my bedroom. As the memories of last night fled through my mind a smile instantly crept onto my face. Everything about last night was perfect. And I was still so shocked at how everything played out. It was honestly the last thing I expected. I remember rushing inside my house afterwards to tell Ariana all about it.

Pulling the duvet over my face, I happily screamed. It was all still so surreal. I rose out of bed and grabbed my phone off the bedside table. I scrolled through the notifications, seeing quite a few from Twitter, I quickly zoomed past them. Until I saw one that caught my eye.

"Harry Styles proposing to up coming singer Tatum Hall last night. WHOA who would've thought." The tweet read. The was a picture of a link and I dreaded the inevitable. I clicked on the picture and saw Harry on one knee.

"Shit..." I mumbled underneath my breath, dialing Harry's number.

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