Chapter 13

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Zayns POV*

Who the hell was ringing me at two in the morning? And what the hell did they want? I picked up my phone and squinted at it, only opening one eye. The light was way to bright for this time of morning. I finally managed to read the screen and saw that it was Perrie phoning me. Of course. I pressed the decline button but she phoned again.

I answered the phone reluctantly and said grumpily into the microphone "Perrie, it's two in the fucking morning."

"I know, but I miss my baby", my rude version of a hello didn't seem to affect her.

"Well can't you miss me when the sun is up?" I retaliated.

"What're you doing, is she there?" I knew she was referring to Emily but pretended I didn't.

"Is who here?" I snapped.

"Emily." She said bluntly.

"Why would Emily be in my room at two in the fucking morning. Why would anyone be in my room at this time?" I sounded harsh but she was always so paranoid that I was with Emily, even though she was well aware that Emily was with Liam.

"I don't know, you just seem to always be with her, I have no idea why though", she laughed into the phone, clearly proud of her snide remark.

"I'm with her a lot because she is my best mates fiancé and like a little sister to me. Get over yourself Perrie and stop being such a bitch about her", I said angrily and hung up the phone, turning it off to avoid her constant calling and texting after my slight outburst.

I fell back to sleep within minutes, my angry slowly slipping away.

Emily's POV*

Oh no, I thought to myself before pulling myself out of bed and running to the bathroom.

Morning sickness, just what I needed.

Liam was still asleep, looking as beautiful as ever.

I brushed my teeth and washed my mouth out before going back into the bedroom.

Liam was completely unaware that I had in fact heard most of his conversation with the boys last night. He had no idea how much I disliked Perrie. I had done nothing wrong to her and all she did was bitch about me.

The way Zayn had got angry about the things she had said made me feel better though, knowing that he wasn't going to side with her. I didn't want anything to change between me and him because of Perrie.

My thoughts were interrupted when Liam wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Morning beautiful", he whispered in my ear making me smile.

"Morning, what are your plans for today?" I asked.

"We were going to head down to hotel spa and get massages and stuff, you up for that?" He asked, playing with my hair.

"Erm, I'm alright actually, I'm just going to stay here I think."

"You sure?" He continued playing with my hair and I nodded.

For some reason, hearing their conversation last night, and how it revolved around me and them looking after me made me feel like a burden. I knew I was being silly but I just felt like they were always trying to protect me. I wanted them to have time without me.

I wriggled out of Liam's arms and walked towards the bedroom.

"You alright?", he asked me following me out of the bathroom.

"Yeah I'm good", I responded forcing a smile.

He smiled back, I had obviously been more convincing than I thought.

He got his stuff and went to meet the boys. I kissed him goodbye and shut the door behind him. As soon as he was gone I leant my back against the door and slid down it so I was sitting on the floor. I put my hands in my hair and cried.

A little while later I got up and looked in the mirror. My cheeks were red and tear stained and my eyes were puffy from crying. I dried my eyes with a tissue and sat down on the bed.

I had nothing to do so I checked my twitter. As usual I had an ongoing list of hateful comments in amongst all of the lovely comments from Liam's fans.

I resumed my crying. I didn't even know why I was upset so I blamed it on being hormonal, even though I knew there was something bothering me.


Short chapter I know but I'm building up to something haha!

Thank you to everyone that's reading!


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