Chapter 41

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Liam's POV*

Throughout the show I kept glancing sideways to check that Emily was okay. Paul was a few metres away and she was fine. I couldn't wait for the show to be over so I could take Emily back to the hotel and keep her safe myself, but I tried my best to be enthusiastic and impress the fans.

We performed 'What Makes You Beautiful' to finish the show as we did every night and we walked off stage waving at the audience. I walked straight over to Emily who instantly wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly. I smiled and hugged her back, "everything okay?" I asked her and she nodded.

We walked hastily through the building and got on the tour bus just as a few fans were making their way towards where it was parked. We jumped on and waved at them, closing the door as soon as we could.

Louis phoned Eleanor straight away and Niall went towards the fridge. Harry sat down and looked at his phone and Zayn went upstairs on his own with his phone in his hand. I sat on Liam's lap. Liam gave me his phone and I thanked him before I logged in and checked twitter. I suddenly realised Perrie had taken my phone. On twitter there was a picture of Liam fast asleep, Perrie had put it on there, saying, 'awh, sleeping beauty in my bed last week, well isn't he a naughty boy;) #sleepingbeauty'.

A small gasp escaped my lips and I dropped the phone into my lap as I realised that this was her plan, she wanted to make people think Liam had cheated on me, and after everything that happened with the picture of Danielle, people were pretty likely to believe her.

Liam looked at me and then picked up his phone from my lap and I knew he had seen it when he threw the phone across the bus. The three boys looked up from the back of the bus and Zayn came down the stairs.

"I guess you saw it too then?" Zayn asked looking at the obliterated phone that was now sat on the floor of the bus in far too many pieces.

"What the hell is wrong with her! That picture is from Emily's phone! She's a ducking physco! She knew that doing this would upset Emily and make it hard for all of us! What's wrong with her!" He was shouting now, not as much as he had at me the other day, but he was still angry.

"I'm not upset", I said feebly. The boys looked at me with confusion clear on their faces. "I'm angry, but I'm not upset, I know Liam wouldn't cheat on me and I know that the picture is from my phone, I just hate her for what she's doing to your career, what she's making the fans think, I'm just pissed off.", I was getting angrier the more I spoke so after saying that I just stayed quiet.

We got back to the hotel and we all went into mine and Liam's room.

Within minutes Zayns phone started buzzing and he picked it up. He stayed in the room as he answered it and put the call on loud speaker. It was Perrie.

"You're a physco you know that?", was the first thing he shouted down the phone.

She laughed and didn't seem at all bothered by his nastiness.

"Well, your fans don't know that do they?", she cackled again.

I charged over to Zayn and snatched the phone out of his hand.

"Look, just because you hate me, doesn't mean you can do this to the boys, they've done nothing wrong, in fact, none of us have, so sort it out Perrie. Sort yourself out and the mess you've mad, because if you don't, we will, and then you'll be the one whose having problems with fans! So just fuck off and leave us alone you stupid crazy bitch!" I hung up on collapsed into a sobbing mess on the floor.


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