Chapter 4

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By the time we arrived home it was late afternoon and I was starving. I walked over to the fridge to see what I could eat. Empty. I walked over to Liam and sat on his lap, gave him a big grin and kissed him on the lips. "Hey baby, umm, you know you love me?", I said in my sweetest voice.

"Yes we can order pizza", he responded without me even asking. He knows me to well.

"Yes!", I squealed, and hugged him tightly. I picked up the phone and ordered a pizza before walking into the bedroom and changing into track suit bottoms and one of Liam's tshirts. I put some fluffy socks on and took my makeup off. Luckily it's rare for the paparazzi to be outside our house, it's nice to be able to order pizza without being attacked by camera flashes.

I walked back into the lounge and joined Liam on the sofa, his put his arm around me and looked around the room.

"Remember the day we moved in together?", he questioned. I nodded as a smile appeared on my face. "That was a good day", he continued.

I laughed at his comment. "We spent the whole day arguing if I remember rightly".

I stay sitting on the sofa with his arm around me. I think back to the day we moved into this house together. It was pouring with rain and most of the furniture got ruined due to various leaks in the moving van roof. By the time we got everything into the house, it was all drenched. We ended up arguing over what to do with it all and I ended in tears of frustration. When I started crying. We ended up ordering pizza and sitting on the floor talking all night, it was a good day come to think of it.

The sound of the doorbell ringing distracted me from my thoughts and brought me back to the present. I had forgotten how hungry I was. I jumped up from the sofa, knocking the tv remote to the floor. I heard Liam laugh at my sudden burst of excitement. I ran to the door and opened it, paid the pizza guy and took the pizza to the kitchen. I got out two plates and put half of the pizza on each and poured us each a glass of coke.

Within fifteen minutes of starting to eat, I had finished my half of the pizza. I normally can't even manage two slices let alone half a pizza. It must be because my period is due. In fact, it's a few days late.

Liam looked as shocked as I was when he realised how much I had eaten. "What happened, you ate it all and finished before me, are you okay?", he joked, a cheeky grin on his face. I just laughed and shrugged my shoulders. "Is it that time of the month again?", he winked at me and I took a sip of my coke before nodding.

Before I knew it my eyes were closed and Liam was carrying me to our bed, pulling the duvet over me climbing in next to me.

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