Chapter 19

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Zayns POV*

What the fuck was happening? Emily didn't deserve what Perrie did to her. My mind is buzzing with all these thoughts and it feels like my head is getting heavier the more I think about it.

I turned on my phone at last and had twenty seven missed calls from Perrie as well as eighteen texts.

I deleted all the texts and put my phone back in my pocket. I felt somewhat responsible for this, even though I had no idea Perrie would go this far. Sending threatening texts and then turning up at the show last night. Was she fucking crazy?

I look round and see Emily walking slowly down the stairs, wincing with every step.

I stood up to go and help her but she shook her head.

"I'm fine, stop worrying", she said. She sounded better than she had a few hours ago but she still sounded weak.

We were about five minutes away from the hotel we were staying at in Manchester and I couldn't wait to get off this bus. I felt so trapped and the more I thought about what happened the walls seems to close in on me even more.

"You don't look fine", I said bluntly as she sat down next to me.

"You don't look great yourself."

She was probably right, I hadn't slept at all last night.

"I'm so sorry Emily, I didn't want any of this to happen. I don't know what's wrong with her. I'm going to end things with her." I knew this as soon as she had knocked Emily to the floor. I just couldn't be with her if she had done something like that.

"Don't be ridiculous, she's your girlfriend." She said and put one of her heads over mine.

"I can't stay with her. Not after last night." I was confused. Why would Emily advise me not to end things with her?

"Well that's up to you, but don't feel like you have to do it because of me." Emily must be one of the most genuinely amazing people I've ever met.

I kissed her on the forehead and apologised yet again for what happened.

The bus stopped when we pulled up outside the hotel. I looked outside to see a massive crowd of fans and the first thing that came to mind was, 'how the hell do we get Emily though there?'

Emily's POV*

I panicked as I saw how many people we had to try and get passed when we got off the bus. Paul and a few other security guards surrounded us and then the boys surrounded me so that I wouldn't get bashed into. It was completely unnecessary in my mind but they insisted.

We made it into the hotel and security kept the fans outside. We got our hotel room key and got in the lift.

We got into the hotel room and I went straight over to the bed to lay down. My head was pounding from all the screams from the fans. Liam came and sat next to me and I put my head on his chest. We sat there in a comfortable silence until I fell asleep.



Thank you everyone who is reading!

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Thank you!!

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