Chapter 27

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Liam's POV*

We said goodnight to the crowd and wet backstage, Emily's fingers were tangled in my and she had a massive grin on her face. I loved it when she was this happy.

As usual we had to leave the arena quickly before the fans had a chance to get round the back to where the tour bus was. Emily grabbed her bag and we all walked quickly through the building and onto the bus.

As soon as we had pulled out of the arena Emily's phone when off. She answered it and I could tell straight away that it was her mum.

They talked for a whole before Emily said "well if you aren't happy for us then that's your problem, I don't value what you think anymore." And hung up the phone.

"She didn't take it well then?" I asked, she didn't look phased by her mothers reaction, she jus shook her head and hugged me, still smiling.

"Thank you", she said and kissed me on the cheek.

"For what?", I took a few strands of her hair in between my index finger and my thumb and starting playing with it.

"Tonight, I can't imagine it going any better, it was amazing", I could tell she was tired from the way her words were slow and quiet.

"I only did what you deserve baby", I kissed her hair and we sat there in a comfortable silence for the rest of the ten minute journey to the hotel.

The boys were all sitting with us discussing random things and Louis was on the phone to Eleanor.

We got to the hotel and everyone came to mine and Emily's room. Emily was suddenly wide awake and happy again and we all sat and talked until the early hours of the morning, emit was in hysterics at some of the things the boys said.

It was two in the morning when we realised that we had to get up in two hours to go to the airport, we were heading over to Spain to start the European leg of the tour.

We decided to just stay up until we had to leave and then sleep on the plane and tour bus.

At four in the morning my alarm went off and I said "time to wake up guys!", even though we hadn't even been to sleep. Emily looked tired now and I knew that as soon as we were on the bus she would be asleep.

We got our bags and headed down to the reception to give our keys back, we thanked the desk staff and went outside.

Emily got straight into bed and so did the rest of us.

I could hear her tossing and turning and knew she was still awake.

"Em", I whispered.

She look over at me and I waved my hand gesturing for her to get in my bed with me. It was small but so was she so we both fit.

"Thank you, I can't sleep without you", she turned to face me an buried her head into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her, kissed her forehead and we both went to sleep.

After going through passport control and struggling to get through large groups of fans and paparazzi we we able to get on the plane, it was just the six of us, plus the rest of the crew on the plane, we couldn't go on a normal flight because we would be bombarded by fans. We all fell asleep just after we had taken off and slept for the entire journey.

We were awoken about three hours later when we landed in Spain, we had been here on holiday only a few weeks ago and now we were here on tour, it was crazy.



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