•|Chapter 1~Witnessed Affair|•

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|CHAPTER 1- Witnessed Affair|

"Hey babe, I'm home!" I yell out to my current live-in-boyfriend as I walk in the door. Exhausted from the long day at work, I quickly shut the door behind me and begin to take off my shoes and jacket.

"Shit it's cold outside."

I start make my way up the stairs in a swift movement, excitement and happiness overflowing my body the closer I make my way up.

Today is me and my boyfriends Brian, five month anniversary. I know five months isn't very long, but God, it was like something drew me towards him the second we met. We met in the diner while I had the waitress shift, and I knew the moment I saw those blue orbs of his, I was already locked in.

"Hey honey, are you home yet?" I say as I finally make it up to the top of the stairs. I start to make long strides towards our bedroom, but start to slow my pace when I begin to here a shuffling of some sort.

Wait, if he's home, why didn't he answer when I called for him?

The suspense and suspicion begin to grow inside me—causing a large ball begin to form inside my throat. I finally make it up to the door in record time. The sounds more clearer and sounding more of grunts and squeaks. I hesitantly raise my hand up and begin to knock on the door.

"Um hon, are you busy?" I ask in a quiet but questioning tone. I get no response, but instead hear the sound of shuffling sheets. So I try to knock one more time, but I still get no response. At this point, the agitation is to much to ignore. So with that, I turn the Knob and slam the door open.

"Hey, are you alright in he-" I begin to say, but quickly shut my mouth after looking at the sight in front of me.

I felt sick, I felt dirty, I felt used.

There my lovely boyfriend was, standing on the other side of the bed half naked, while trying to swiftly slip some boxers on. Whilst still showcasing his obvious erect manhood. A brown eyed, blonde haired girl in nothing but a bra and thong begins to slip on her shirt.

It was hard to believe that this was the same guy I thought would never hurt me, the same guy I trusted more than anyone, the same guy I loved and thought loved me back.

I say nothing, but instead just run out with tears at the brink of pouring out of my eyes.

"Luna, baby wait." Brian almost yells out while beginning to run after me. Luckily for me, he was to busy on trying to slip on some pants, so he ends up almost falling face front into the wooden floor, giving me a head start. I actually would have laughed at his action if my emotions weren't already flooded with sadness and betrayal.

Unfortunately, I don't run fast enough down the stairs, since I don't want to take a rough tumble , due to my vision being clouded with tears. He eventually catches up with me by the time I get to the door, grabbing me by the back of my arm.

"Don't fucking touch me!" I yell out, turning to look him straight into his eyes. They showed no emotion, no guilt, nothing.

"Honestly babe, I didn't do anything wrong." He says with a shrug of his shoulders, making me look at him with a are-you-fucking-kidding-me look.

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