•|Chapter 23: Knowing more than you know|•

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|Chapter 23|

|Knowing more than you know|

I look at the attractive man that ran up to me and kissed me with a questioning expression, not giving away a clue as I spoke my next words.

"Who are you?"

The concerning look on his face mirroring mine of confusion, but not quite, as his was showing much more fear.

Trying my best, I suppress the smile at the sight of his brow that always crinkled every time he was angry or confused. Nevertheless, I still looked at him with a lost look in my eyes.

"Luna, please. Please, tell me you're just playing a sick game," I hear the man that always made my stomach do weird flips say before shutting his eyes tightly and reopening them. The lost look in my eyes being gone by the time and replaced with a small smile on my face at my next words.

"I could be, though I'm not quite sure. Are you the same guy that I met in the bar that one night by awkwardly staring into oblivion?" I question with squinted eyes while trying not to chuckle, making him close his eyes with an exhale of relief.

Him gripping me by my waist as if I'd fade away to nothing. His head falling on the crook of my shoulder as I felt his heart pounding through his shirt. In which made my smile fall in guilt at the remembrance of what he's been through.

"Damn it, Petrov. I thought I lost you too."

Wow, I truly am an ass. I didn't even consider how he's lost his wife, unborn child and best friend through the same current of event. Which he still blamed himself for.

I closed my eyes before running my hands through his hair, I lightly tug him back up and look into his blue eyes that were dilated with adrenaline. Upset at the sight of the frown on his lips, I lightly peck his lips before pulling back and cupping his sharp jaw with my hands, "That was too far. I'm sorry, nightmare, I shouldn't have joked like that. I mean, crap, I lost my dad the same way and here I am playing aro-"

Suddenly, I see his cheeks sink in with a smile. And before I know it, I'm being attacked with a soft pair of lips on mine, leaving me pouting in frustration like a kid as he pulled back from the kiss with a smirk.

"I wasn't done talking." Adriano gives a genuine wide toothy laugh before picking me up and setting me on the ground by my feet, "hey!"

"Well I was done listening," He responds before trying to pull me away from the ambulance, but instead of following his lead, I pull back with his hand in mine, making him turn back around with a sad expression written on my face.

"No, why aren't you more upset with me? What I did was immature and wrong, even I have to admit that," I say squeezing his hand while looking into his eyes filled with ocean blue. It was not but a second ago, and he was already smiling and back to his joyful self. Which was a bit ironic considering the way he was when we first started working together.

Not but a second later do I see him shake his head, and before I knew it, I was letting out a squeal in laughter as he easily picked me up from my bottom with my legs wrapped around him, as if I was a feather; and trust me, told by the slight meat on my bones, I was for sure a dense girl underneath the usually baggy clothes I wore.

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