•|Chapter 26: Far from alone|•

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|Far from alone|

I started putting on the slight bit of makeup I do wear to get prepared for the lunch me and Jasper agreed to this afternoon. Questioning myself as I did nothing but look at myself in the mirror in Veronica's guest room. Slowly, I lower my eyes down to look at my stomach, sighing as I placed my hand softly over the almost nonexistent bump.

"What're we going to do?" I whisper shakily, swallowing in hopes to hold back the cracks in my voice as I never let my tears fall. I wanted to blame it all on Adriano; the fucks and the fuck ups, because in my head, it was easier that way. Though I just knew it was more than that, I had been a big part to play in it all.

A sudden knock came from the door and I jump out of my pity-filled daze to look in the mirror. My eyes catch sight of a just woken up Veronica, making me chuckle as I saw her hair in a giant long mess of knots.

Turning, I smirk, "Has the princess awoken from her slumber, at eleven o'clock in the morning?" I add the last part with a suppressed laughter, making her stop rubbing her head to glare slightly at me.

"Well," I start before turning back around to tie my hair in a ponytail, "If you wouldn't of drank so much last night, you'd probably of felt a lot better this morning."

"Yes, thank you, do-good-Julie," she almost whispers from the probably pounding migraine she had. Plopping on the bed with a groan, she covers her eyes. "So when are you supposed to be back? My head hurts and I want someone here to hold my hair back for me."

I smile, surprisingly not finding the idea as repulsive as most people. I turn and walk towards her, "Won't be long, V. I'll be back to hand you water after you puke your guts out in no time."

I kiss her head with a chuckle before leaving. Gaining one last,"Bye, love you!" before heading out the door.

• • •

"It's okay, you're an adult female. These things are normal for girls my age. It's not like it's a date date. Just lunch. With my boss..."

I start to ramble to myself as I gather my things to go in and slip my sandals on since I hate driving with shoes on. Getting all my things, I take in a deep breath before almost exiting the vehicle. Though I stop mid-way and close my door again.

Maybe this wasn't a good idea? I could lose my job or something if I reject him. He could fire me for just that simple reason. And I'm an awkward person, how do I expect to keep a conversation going?

A knock on the side window of my car breaks me out of my thoughts. Turning, I see a slightly waving Jasper smiling at me, making me almost stumble out of the car from how fast I was trying to exit.

"Oh uh, hi. Sorry I was kind of gathering my things in there," I say quickly as I slip the rest of my sandal on.

Knowing I seem a disaster as he gives a slight chuckle before setting his hand on my shoulder. "No need to have to explain, let's just go in."

He leads me in with his hand slightly on my back, barely touching if you could say he was even doing that. Sitting, we order some coffees from the pretty waitress working at the diner.

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