•|Chapter 16~Built up emotions, must come out|•

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|Built up emotions, must come out|

"Where did all my socks go?" I say to myself as I run around like a chicken with his head cut off trying to get out the door as quick as possible since my shift starts at eight.

Walking into the closet, my eyes drift around before seeing a small packed luggage at the top of the shelf. I twist my face in confusion since I thought I've already unpacked everything. Right after I pull the luggage down and quickly unzip it.

"What is all th-" I stop talking as I just become more confused when I see a bunch of family pictures of me, my dad and mom all together. My heart breaking when I come across a picture of my dad holding me as a newborn at the hospital. Quickly I stuff all the pictures back in before I start to get teary eyed at the sight. But I soon stop when I see a folded up piece of paper. Sighing, I decide to just unravel the paper, and I knew that was a mistake when I come across a familiar shiny object.

Seeing that there was a short note, I uncrumple it before reading it. And smiling immediately after I did so.

I know how much this button means to you, so I decided to wrap it up so it will stay safe. Sorry for being a dick and I wish nothing but the best for you, Luna.


"Damn asshole," I say with a smile before setting the paper down and examining the small round button in my hand. Closing my eyes, the memory comes flooding back like a tornado on a stormy day.

"Hey, sweetie. How was school today?" My daddy says in that sweet voice he always speaks in as soon as I make my way inside the house, making me turn to look at him as he adjust his suit tie.

"I don't wanna speak about it right now, okay?" I say with a poker face before tossing my backpack down in a heap of built up anger I was feeling. Before my dad could question anymore, I quickly run upstairs and into my room. But not before hearing my mom say something about me only being 8 years old, and stuff like this happens.

I hated school so much, everyone was rude and mean. And every time I try and talk to someone, they'd look at me in fright before going their separate ways. But today was the worst out of all the days, today was the day I finally figured out why everyone always acted so weird towards me.

I was going around the corner of the hall and heard two girls talking about me and my family, and how I'd probably end up killing them just like my dad was known for doing. And that was where I finally drew the line, even at my age, I will NEVER let anyone talk bad about my family, especially when these stories are just all made up.

At least that's what my daddy says...

So I later on through the day, I ended up seeing the same girl who said those things and ended up tripping her and straddled her before shaking her by the hem of her stupid dress. Yelling nothing but, 'No one makes rumors like that about my family!' while shaking her. Until, eventually the teacher came and dragged me off of her hysterical crying self.

In which that left me here, having to be picked up by my mom due to my, 'irrational out lash.'

A knock sounded on my door as I just sat in a fetal position on my bed with a pillow hugged to my knees.

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