•|Chapter 8~Push through the pain|•

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|CHAPTER 8~ Push through the pain|

True to his word, Adriano has not said more than five words to me in this last week of being at his place. In which, I have done nothing but read books on my phone to kill time. Now I wouldn't say I've done nothing in this past week. I've had to make two phone calls in which case that has changed my life even more than it already has been. The first one was to resign from my current job at the cafe, but according to Adriano, I'll be making plenty of money on this mission, so I should definitely suitable enough when coming to income.

But the second one, was something I was dreading since the day I first agreed to start this mission.

Calling Veronica.

The conversation started off as you could expect it would, her frantically answering the phone while bursting into a hysterical, hyperventilating fit right there on the phone. Eventually, I ended up not telling her the truth about–well anything. I didn't want to give away any of the information for this mission, so I ended up just saying I was now staying with an old friend of my dad's. Which if you look at it, isn't a total lie. Skipping past the part of the argumentative conversation, she ended up actually understanding and wishing me the best, but I still had to visit her from time to time.

But today is the day, today is the day I start my training. And since I didn't get to start it earlier in the week; due to the fact they didn't want to overkill my mind, they decided that Sunday would be the best day to start.

I'm already dressed in the workout clothes I was ordered to wear by Adriano, but like I said before, he won't say more than two words to me a day.

I thought the whole 'never talking to each other' thing would actually give me a sense of serenity, but it got annoying after thousandth time of intentionally being ignored.

"Luna, come on! I'm leaving and you have two seconds to get in the car before I leave you behind." I hear Adriano's voice yell out sternly from the living room, making me snap out of my book filled daze and get up from the bed. Swiftly, I leave my phone on the charger and put on my shoes before making it out of the door with nothing but a hair tie in hand.

Since I don't have any of my clothes or essentials, I decided I was going to ask Adriano if we could visit my old house–well, ex's old house to get some of the last of the stuff I have there. This past week, I have been wearing nothing but clothes that Adriano gave me, but the strange thing about it was, they were women's clothing, and every time I asked about how he has them, he would do as he always does and ignore me before walking out.

Something tells me this man has some skeletons in his closet.

"Why did it take you so long to get in here?" Adriano ask in a bitter tone before crossing his arms across his broad chest, that was now even more obvious through his tight black shirt. Ignoring the fact there was an intimidating yet hot man in front of my eyes, I remember who this man really is and copy his stance.

"So now you're talking to me? What happened to the silent treatment?" Crossing my arms even tighter against my chest to hide the fact I was probably shaking in fear at what he might say back. Fear that what he says might be worse than what he said to me last time, maybe even fear that he will reveal another deep secret of my fathers that I wish to never of heard. Nevertheless, he just lets out a long breath before running his hand through his hair in frustration.

"Just get in the damn car, Luna." And at that, I mutter a quiet 'whatever', before obliging and huffing all the way out to the car in the driveway.

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