•|Chapter 19~ Move on?|•

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|Chapter 19~ Move on?|

I open my eyes, I'm standing in the middle of the street as the snow pours down. Somehow even in my pajamas, I was no colder if it were fall and the leafs were just falling off the trees.

"What? What's going on?" I mutter to myself as I see myself standing in a street filled with beautiful houses, but one with the window open stood out to me. Practically calling my name, I slowly make my way over towards the house. Stepping in ankle deep snow until finally making it to the window. Not helping the urge as my heart pounds through my chest, I look inside. And immediately, I tilt my head quizzically at the sight.

A breath taking beautiful blonde woman sits down in a chair, but takes longer for she has a protruding stomach in front of her. With a little boy by her side that she lightly kisses his cheek. Along with a few other people that were present, there is a large Thanksgiving dinner sprawled out in front of all of them. But something was missing, someone was missing.

And as I saw it, my heart sank and I wanted to fall to my knees.

Adriano then came in looking... Normal. Dressed in a nice shirt and dress pants, a smile present on his face as if he had no worries in the world. But the thing that actually made me start to tear up was the sight of him kissing the blonde elegant woman on her head, before finally sitting down and resting his hand on her large stomach.

The look of adoration in both of there eyes making my heart clench in pain at the sight at what he mouths to her while rubbing her tummy.

'I love you,'

"Why? W-What is this?" I silently whisper to myself before closing my eyes. The same visual coming back as I remember all I just witnessed.

"It's not real, wake up! Wake up!" I start to say as I shake my head. I knew it wasn't real, it couldn't be real. It's not real.


"Hey, you alright Kid?" I was awaken by the familiar sound of Adriano's deep voice say, making me jolt out of my sleep and immediately check my phone to see it read 2:35. Still in my bed from where I fell asleep at last night.

Letting my head fall in my head, I pull my hair back and away from my face before finally answering.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks, what are you doing up so late?" I say, not being able to look him in the eye after that dream I had.

"I was working on some mission business when I heard you rustling around. And when I came in here, you kept saying something about 'it not being real'. And you're drenched in sweat, so don't sit here and tell me that you're okay when you're clearly not," he says sternly before kneeling down and putting both of his hands on my cheeks and forehead, making me look him in the eye.

I started to get frustrated, so I end up pushing away his hands, but that does nothing when he jumps up and goes to the other side of the room to get something.

"I'm fine, just leave me alone and let me go back to sleep." Knowing exactly how I wasn't fine by the way I had chills and yet, was still somehow burning up inside.

"You're burning hot, Luna. So you can cut the fucking bullshit because I'm not leaving you while you're like this," he says as he opens and slams drawers until finally pulling out a white digital stick.

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