•|Chapter 21~ The Hidden Truth...pt1|•

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~The Hidden Truth...pt1~

(Song above goes along with both parts of chapter)

"And I told the man before, it wasn't gonna be anything serious. But that's not how it went down. You see, it all started to go down hill wh-" I immediately tune the girl out by shoving th earbuds I brought along in my ear. It wouldn't matter anyways considering the whole story was mean't for Adriano's ears only.

She was riding shotgun after all, but I could the same man that was driving was appreciating the last fifteen minutes on how all her former 'fuck buddies', all ended up wanting a serious relationship.

'Kinda confusing considering her personality...'

I couldn't help but think as she spoke in her thick accent while chewing her gum. As I listen to the classical music on my phone, I couldn't help but to stare at Adriano as he was driving, chuckling at the annoyed expression on his perfectly structured face.

I quickly snap out of my daze of staring when I see Adriano mouth my name with his lips, along while the car comes to an abrupt stop, All of the above why I quickly yanked my earbuds out and jolt up from my leaning position.

"Sorry, yeah?" I question quickly.

"We're here, finally," he whispers the last part in a relieved manner before running his hands through his hair, making me stifle my laughter, but the girl scowl at him.

"You know what, ragrazzo?!-"

"Okay! Well I think it's high time and we port that airplane, don't you?" He says quickly before jumping out of the car to get the luggage, leaving me still laughing while Bianca is left still scowling. Scaring me when she turns her head in my direction, making my lips turn into a thin line to stifle my laughter on again.

"I can tell you like him, dolcezza. But just a little piece of advice girl, don't get your hopes up. He hasn't been with any woman after his whatever died. Not even me, and I mean come on, no one rejects me." I start to get a bit flustered on how she spoke about the woman he loved till death, while also caring their child.

I may be upset at him for all the bad things he's done to me, but I won"t sit here as this sad excuse for a woman talks bad about a poor girl who had a loving family, and just lost it all in one day.

"You mean his wife?" I ask indignantly as soon as she pulls down the sun visor to look at herself in the mirror, but am quickly cut off from the conversation all together when the car door is jolted open. I let out a small squeal when I feel a large hand softly but firmly grab me and yank me out of the car.

My breath hitches in my throat when I see Adrianos face mere inches from mine, sandwiching me between him and the car as he stared at me with a stern expression. Purposely trying to get me weak at the knees by the proximity of our faces,

"Before you ignore me for the next week, I just want you to know there's a reason Bianca is going with us on this trip. It has to do with suspicion in the town where I'm wanted," he explains, but pause for a moment to comprehend the words he just spewed out, before finally speaking.

"I understand 'you're the most wanted man in Italy'. But that doesn't explain why her coming along would help with that." I say still confused, he opens his mouth to answer, but is cut off when the door to the car is slammed, making him look up before gripping my wrist lightly and looking me back in the eye.

"I'll explain it all later." And with that, he walks away up to Bianca before she could make it towards us. He handed her something I couldn't quite make out before whispering mere centimeters from her ear.

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