•|Chapter 4~Not so one night stand|•

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|CHAPTER 4~ Not so one night stand|

Waking up to the smell of eggs and bacon invading my nose as I begin to come back to consciousness. I begin to squirm in the soft bed, but quickly stop when I feel a slight aggravating pain between my legs, making the memory from last night hit me like a truck.

I lost my virginity.

I lost my fúcking virginity

But not only that, I lost it to an almost complete stranger. Dear God, what was wrong with me? Have I completely lost all sense of sanity?

Pushing last night aside, I wrap the covers around my naked body and begin to search for my clothes. In a frantic mission, I end up giving up looking after probably ten minutes of searching. In the end, I grab a plain black T-shirt that covered to mid thigh that I found on the floor and slipped on the pair of boxers I found on the dresser.

In a quick scamper, I rush out of the door and run to the kitchen, in hopes that maybe that was where the exit was since I had not one clue where I was in the house. Making it to the kitchen, I see a large and intimidating man in boxers cooking something that smell to be eggs and bacon. Admiring the mans toned and muscular back for a moment before catching a glance of what seemed to be the door in the corner of my eye. In a tip toe fashion, I try to slowly ease my way towards it. Right as my hand makes it an inch away from the door nob, I hear a large voice speak up, making me flinch at how close I got to escaping.

"Leaving so early?" The man yells in a flat tone, instantly making me turn to see him still looking at the food while talking to me.

"I-Isn't that how it's supposed to work?" I ask unsure of myself while clinching onto the doorknob like my life depended on it, thinking if I made a break for it, where exactly would I go. But before I could even think twice about it, he lets out a deep chuckle before mumbling something in Italian under his breath.

"Excuse me?" I ask, wondering what he said.

"Nothing, I was just going to say your clothes are folded up in the bathroom if you need them. And then you could maybe eat some breakfast before making your way back home." He says while still not even making eye contact with me.

"Okay," I mumble shyly before making my way back towards the room area, but quickly stopping in my tracks when I realized something unusual.

"Wait," I say turning to face him again, in which I just get a nod in response.

"If we, you know, had sex in the bedroom, why are my clothes in the bathroom?" I ask, not remembering the reason for them being there. And at that, a wide Cheshire smile began to grow on his face, before he let out a small chuckle.

"Oh, that's where we just started out, fiore." He says, making the memory of all that we did last night, and I mean all, come back to me.

I quickly cover my face before letting out a small groan in embarrassment.

"Now, if you want me to go more into detail about it, I would gla-"

"Please, just don't. It's already bad enough I have to deal with the memory of my embarrassing actions," I say before walking away with my eyes shut.

"It's okay, fiore! You're not the first girl to beg for me to have sex in exotic places!" He yells out in a laugh as I just run back into the room at a quicker pace, but still having a small smile etched on my lips if having a close enough look.

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