•|Chapter 5~I just cant|•

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|CHAPTER 5-I just can't|

"Five hundred and ninety six, five hundred ninety seven, five hundred and ninety eight. five hundred and ninety nine. Six hundred." I say as I finish counting the small tile blocks on the ceiling that I've already counted dozens of times. Letting out a sigh, I get up and try to open the door up again, but fail again with no surprise. Luckily, I ended up finding a small paper clip sized tool right after the man left, so I was able to free myself from the restraining handcuffs about an hour after he was gone. Since that stunt I pulled with the whole dagger incident, he has left for what I'd have to say was about 4 hours, and hasn't returned, not even for food.

Taking a seat back on the bed, I just close my eyes before lying back down and beginning to imagine I'm anywhere but here. Honestly, this is what I deserve, this is what I get for putting myself out there and doing anything I want with no boundaries tying me down. It was my responsibility to keep myself in check. Not Veronica's, not some random persons at the clubs. Mine, and I'm paying the consequences for my actions now.

Before I know it, I hear a squeaking coming from the other side of the room. Jolting up, I see the man that kidnapped me beginning to slowly make his way in the room. Seeing he has a plate with the breakfast he made earlier in his hands, I jolt up and almost attack him before grabbing the plate he had in one of his hands and sitting down while already beginning to shovel food in my mouth.

"Damn, I thought you were going to jump me for a second the way you were running at me." He says with a chuckle before standing in front of me with his arms crossed across his chest, only getting a scowl out of me in response before going back to shoving the eggs in my mouth.

Looking up from my plate to a loud screeching sound, I see that the man is pulling up a small stool right in front of me on the bed and taking a seat on it. He then pulls his face centimeters apart from mine while doing nothing but smirking. I then stop chewing and take and audible gulping sound, swallowing the chewing food while doing so.

"Is there a reason you're just staring at me mystery man?" I say in a flat tone, having no emotion whatsoever shown in my voice. There was another long second of him just looking at me before he takes the pad of his thumb and wipes the corner of my mouth, the smirk still prominent on his frustratingly beautiful face.

"You had a bit of egg on the corner of your lips was all, fiore. Don't get all defensive quite yet." He says before pulling his face away from me and putting his hand to shake it.

"As I've told you before, names Adriano Russo, and I'd prefer it if you'd call me that. Especially since we'll be working along side with each other so much." He says as I set the plate down to shake his hand. Putting my small hand into his large and warm one, I stop the fluid motion of our hand shaking when I hear the last part of his words slip out.

"W-Work? Like me work with you?!" I say before letting out a small guffaw, making Adriano's smirk turn into a scowl.

"Yes, me work with you, Luna Petrov." He says before arching one of his finely manicured eyebrows, making my heart stop at what he just said.

"How-how do you know my full na-"

"Oh please, Luna. I know everything there is to know about you. Well, systematically anyways." He says, making me give him a quizzical stare.

"Age, place and time of birth. And most of all, your ancestors are from and what they were associated with. Which means I know, Luna." He says as if I wouldn't be surprised with him knowing those kinds of personal things about me. Like I've been caught with my fucking hand in the cookie jar. For goodness sakes, I don't even know my ancestral background.

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