•|Chapter 9~ Wrong Decisions|•

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|CHAPTER 9~ Wrong Decisions|

There was a small heartbeat of silence before I finally heard the the deep wrenching sound of Adriano's voice fill the car.

"You're kidding me, right?" He says with a chuckle before taking a moment to tear away his gaze from the road and onto me. Instantly, I started to regret the words as soon as I saw the look of pure incredulousness on his face.

"No actually, I wasn't. I'm kind of in need of clothing. In which is something you lack in the women's department." He shakes his head before looking back to the road in front of us. I didn't understand this at all. I was supposed to be the one mad here, but somehow, I turned into the bad guy in this scenario.

"You're unbelievable, are you bipolar or something, or is this just your weird way of dealing with awkward situations?" The rude statement throwing me off like no other, making me want to snap back, but coming up with no comebacks off hand. So instead of being the utter bitch in this particular moment, I just decide to try and be the bigger person and look out the window with no words to spout.

He lets out a loud sigh before finally hearing the sweet melodic sound of my maturity paying off.

"What's the address?" he ask with a groan, making me not help but grin before turning back to face him.

"Now that's the spirit."

•  •  •

It takes about another twenty minutes to get to my old house. Pulling up to the house, the memories from a few days ago flood me like a tsunami. My heart race begins to pulse as my hands begin to get sweaty. Looking in front of me was the sight of betrayal and pain, along with a trust that was for now temporary scorned.

"You okay, Lun?" Adriano says in a worry some tone, making the uncontrollable smile to appear on the side of my lips at the sound of the nickname he called me. This was such a bad time to smile, and I knew that, but I couldn't help the fact that the scary assassin actually has an empathetic side to him.

"Yeah, just... Can you maybe go in with me?" I ask in a whisper tone as I turn my head to look at the somewhat of a shocked Adriano staring at me.

"Uh sure, if you'd feel more comfortable with me going i-"

"I would," I state bluntly, cutting him off in the process. Feeling a bit embarrassed, I clear my throat before muttering a small, 'shall we go in?' and swiftly stepping out of the car.

Not even looking behind me to see if he was following, I begin to make fast strides up towards the front door. Taking in a deep breath, I repeat the same words in my head.

Just get in and get out.

Ringing the bell, it takes a microsecond before I here footsteps and low and behold, the same exact blonde girl in my now ex-boyfriends black t-shirt. In which that only reached to about mid-thigh of her long milky white legs. Her eyes then light up before she smiles widely, showing off her straight pearly whites as she does so.

"Oh, I remember you!" She exclaims in an tone I wouldn't have expected to come from a girl like her. It was actually an everyday sound, unlike the annoying squeaky sound I was expecting.

"Is Brian home? I just need to pick up my stuff that I had." I said shaking off the small rage that I felt in the depths of my heart. Why was she so incredibly... Nice?! Did she not know who I was or what I was to the man I caught her in bed with?

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