•|Chapter 6~You're insane|•

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|CHAPTER 6~You're insane|

"Where are we going?" I ask as we begin to speed our way through the cars on the highway, making my nails begin to dig into my seat like my life depended on it, and in my opinion, it did. I look over at Adriano to see he had a smile on his face, before letting out a small chuckle.

Laughing? Really? At a time like this, this crazy bastard is laughing.

"What is so God damn funny, Nightmare?" I ask through gritted teeth while starting to glare holes into the side of his head. His facial expression softens to a poker face before answering.

"You, fiore. I think you're the most curious and blunt person I've ever met. Remember Luna, curiosity killed the cat," He says before cracking a small grin once again, making me laugh a bit at his playfulness before covering it up with a cough. I couldn't help but laugh at this man, he was known as the most dangerous man alive, but still had a playful side to him. But I wouldn't let that get to me, I don't know what he's capable of, I don't know who slash what this man can really be.

"Yeah, well I'm sure you'd be the same way if you were kidnapped in a bar and forced onto going on some crazy ass mission," I say in a huff but before he could answer, I start to feel the car slowing down, making my pulse begin to pick up. Looking around, I see we're in a random town with nice condos all around. But instead of being where there are other people and cars, we're in more of a back alleyway type place.

"W-What is this place?"

"Get out and you'll see," He says before stepping out and going to the trunk of the car. Seeing as I was by myself, I quickly stepped out of the car before following his same footsteps.

Right as I go behind the car, I see that Adriano already had the hood propped open, making all the nerves in my body shake in fear at the sight in front of me.

"Guns..." Is all I mutter out. Which was a complete understatement. The trunk was filled to the rim with pistols, automatics and amo. Seeing as that Adriano was doing something in the corner of my eye, I see that he is loading up a sniper rifle type object, but a bit smaller. On instinct, I jump back at the sight, of a gun I have only seen in movies, being held and loaded right before my eyes. I part my lips to speak, but before I could even get a word out, Adriano mutters a quick 'let's go', before pulling me along somewhere else with the gun in his other hand.

I try to speak, but all that comes out is a puff of air. Adriano begins to drag me up a flight of stairs that seem to last for days before finally making it to the roof of a large building. I get a large guff of breeze as we open the metal door to the top of the building. He then pulls me towards the side of the building before setting up the rifle on the edge.

Adriano begins to shuffle for something in his pocket after he finally gets the small rifle set up, making me think it's finally time for me to speak up.

"Okay, now that you've drug me up here, what is it you-" I start to say, but stop when I see what he was shuffling for in his pocket.

"A fucking blunt, are you kidding me?!" I say as he settles the small item between his teeth, making him let out a small guffaw before pulling out a lighter and lighting the stick. With a small inhale, he lets out a large puff of smoke.

Though I know how bad smoking is all around, the sight of him with his shaggy black hair all over the place—small blunt in hand while letting out a puff of smoke, made the sight of his ruggedly bad boy look highly arousing.

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