•|Chapter 17~ Nobody's Perfect|•

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|Nobody's Perfect|

Confused why Adriano hadn't came back from leaving last night, I started to get worried as I checked my phone every minute to see if I'd gotten any notification from him. But sighed and ended up just throwing my phone back on the couch in frustration.

Almost dropping my phone due to the speed of picking it up when I heard the familiar ring tone. But furrow my eyebrows in confusion when I see Blake's name flash on the screen.

"Hey, Blake. What's up?" The tone in my voice sounding way too casual for what was to come out of his mouth next.

"You need to bail Adriano out of jail."


10 Hours Ago...

Meet me at Ridge Bar ASAP. We need to talk.

I send the text with boiling blood pumping through my veins, slamming the phone down on the counter with the same fervor. Taking a swig of my one beer, I savor the bitter taste since it was the only one I'd be having since I'd be driving home.

I've absolutely had enough of his immature games. I knew exactly what his plans were, and I wasn't about to shit around one more second as he tried to feed this bullshit to Luna. She hasn't known him as long as I have, she doesn't know what he's done.

So she doesn't know what Blake's really capable of...

"Glass of wine," I hear a woman say from beside me as she sat down, making me look over next to me and see the girl with long dirty blonde hair in a ponytail looking a bit distressed.

"You having as rough a night as me?" I hear her say again, but noticing there was a southern twang to it this time, making me look back over and see she was talking to me. Her lips stained red and the smell of lavender perfume coming off as she sat only inches away from me.

"No, not really. Just came here to meet up with a friend," I responded vaguely before taking a sip of my drink, not wanting to get too deep into a conversation with this woman. She just gives a laugh in response, throwing me off a bit at the random act.

"Don't tell me you're one of those people who are hard to have a conversation with," she says before taking the sip of her wine.

"Sorry to disappoint you," I give her a small smile in acknowledgment, making her swirl her glass of wine before taking a sip and getting up from the stool.

"A cute guy at a bar? I'm guessing it's a girl," she says as she picks up her purse she sat down earlier.

"And I hope in the end, you get what you're looking for, cute dude." She gives me a wide toothed smile before walking off to the other side of the bar. Shrugging off the incident due to the anger I still felt towards Blake, I go back to sitting and waiting.

• . • . • . •

Eventually, I finally spot the bastard in the corner of my eye trotting through the door, smacking his gum. Once he saw me, he smiled before giving me a small nod and heading in my direction.

"Beer, put it on my tab" was all he said once he sat down next to me. Telling the bartender what his choice of poison was. As expected, his grin was never wiped off as he looked at me, still nonchalantly smacking his gum.

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