•|Chapter 3~Midnight Memories|•

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|CHAPTER 3~Midnight Memories |

"You'll find out all in good time fiore."

What did he mean by that?

As we danced against eachother—body to body, skin to skin, that's all that kept playing in my mind. Eventually, the crowd begins to die down, making me begin to see clearer through the groups of sweaty dancing bodies, but then I saw it, it was my best friend about to leave the club with the guy that asked her to dance earlier.

She didn't just ditch me for some guy, she wouldn't do that.

Surely enough, my phone goes off before I can come to a full sense of what just happened, but since I was too into dancing with the mystery guy, and didn't want to kill the mood. I turned to where my back was now against his front and began to dance against him. I slowly and subtly take out my phone, only to see a text from Veronica that said exactly what I thought it was gonna say.

Hey, pleaseee don't be mad, but I'm kinda going home with the guy we saw at the bar. I'll see you early tomorrow morning. <3

"Wow, some friend you got there." The guy says in my ear—snapping me out of the trance of emotions I was currently feeling.

"Did you look at my phone?" I ask in a stern tone as I turn around to face him, only to see the blue eyed man giving me the most mischievous grin. My blood begin to pump at the thought of how he snooped in something that doesn't concern him.

"How could I not? You were practically flaunting it in front of my face." He says with a snort before lightly flicking my phone, making me blush in embarrassment. He's right in a way, I mean, of course you're gonna look at something if it's literally right in front of your eyes.

I guess I wasn't as subtle as I was planning on being.

"Oh," is all I say before letting out a small awkward chuckle, only making the man laugh in response.

"You know, you really are a strange girl fiore." He says with an arched brow while grabbing be by my waist and pulling me closer into him, making me let out a small gasp from the sudden action.

"It's called liking my privacy." I say before pulling out of his deathly grip on my waist and turning to face him. The cocky grin playing upon his lips as I turn to look at him—enhancing his ruggedly good looks to a peek.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go yell at someone who is currently on my death list at the moment." I say before running off to the bar and away from the crowds of sweating bodies.

After making it to the bar that was across to the dancing floor, I unlock my phone and begin to dial Veronica. The dial tone goes off once, twice, three times. Until finally, I give up on the hopes that my best friend would actually answer when her other best friend needs her.

"Can I have a Gin and tonic please!" I exhaustingly yell out to the bar tender before placing my hand on my forehead. I wait a few minutes with my face in my hands until finally hearing the clink of my drink being placed on the table. Without hesitation, I quickly pull my hands off of my face and chug the drink down within a matter of a few minutes. I'm really not the one to drink, but after what today has brought me, I definitely deserve and need one at this moment. Right as I place the empty glass down on the counter, I see a figure in the corner of my eye.

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