•|Chapter 24: Lost at Last|•

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|Chapter 24|

|Lost at Last|

There was a moment. A moment of all of us staying silent as we watched Luca walk through the doors to see the girl he loved give birth to a child I knew he'd love too the moment he laid eyes on him or her.

A smile broke out on my face that I couldn't control, in where it disappeared when the feel of a large hand was set on my shoulder. Turning around, it was quick to make a reappearance at the sight of him. A look of concern and happiness all mixed being apparent as I saw a foolish grin breaking out on his chisel featured face.

Not a word was spoken as he just pulled me into a hug, a thousand words being spoke through just that small form of physical contact. It was everything in one moment as I inhaled his natural scent that always smelled of outdoors and cologne, basking in the warmth and comfort as I let him do the same.

"It's going to be okay. We'll be okay," I said after pulling back, and seeing what seems as his smile falling for a second.

Though before I could ask what seemed to be the issue, I felt the softness of his lips capture mine in the most gentle and sweet way I'd ever felt him kiss me. It feeling like it went forever, but in reality it had only lasted seconds.

He pulled back, resting his forehead on mine with the hand that wasn't holding the back of my neck, gripping onto my waist. Knowing immediately by the way he was creasing his brows, something was on his mind, something that was bothering him.

"Hey," I state softly before putting my hands on both sides of his chiseled jaw to make him look me in the eye; seeing his beautiful midnight blue eyes. "What's on your mind, Nightmare?"

A moment passes before the hard line of his mouth turns up into a smile that showed off his one dimple on his stubbly face, making me mirror his smile, even though I saw right through it.

"I just love you so much," he starts before placing his hands atop of mine and pulling them from his face to hold in a tight grip. "You'll most likely never realize how deep it truly goes."

I knew something else was wrong, and I wanted to say something. I wanted to push and pry until he finally just gave in and told me. Though I knew that was the right thing to do in this situation, or at least for a twenty-one year old female.

So instead, I gave out the next best answer I could think of replying with that wouldn't involve being invasive, "Trust me, I understand."

We both smile, but the sappy moment is soon short lived when a heard of footsteps drew both of our attention, an out of breath Luca coming to view with the slam of the double doors, perspiring as if he were the one who just gave birth.


I was about to question, but the out of breath boy was already gone and waving for me to come with him. Panicking, I give a scared look to Adriano before he just looks at me with a smirk of amusement and waves me to follow him.


Sighing, I start to run with him from behind to follow where I was led to. In which that being the delivery room that Lucinda was in. The sight of her sweating and panting as the nurse and doctor stood at the foot of her bed nearly making me have an anxiety attack already.

"Where. Is. Luna?"

"She's right here, Amore mio," Luca says quickly after. At the side of her bed and holding her clammy and shaky hands before she could even look over towards me, a look of relief flooding her face immediately.

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