•|Chapter 21- We finally hear it all. Pt 2|•

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~We finally hear it all. Pt 2~

"What do you mean you burnt the turkey?! That's the most important part of this dinner, Lucinda," I hear what sounded like an older woman with an accent say from I'd assume was the kitchen, sounding pretty upset by the tone of her voice.

"You see, this is what happens when you let a pregnant teen help out on Thanksgiving dinner," I hear the boy from earlier say, making the next sound I hear of him getting hit as the girl yells something inaudible in Italian.

"So I see you've heard my family, think it's about time we've finally met them fully?" The familiar voice behind me says, scarring me enough for me to part my lips in a gasp. Turning around, I see Adriano's beautiful stature looking slightly down at me, making me gulp in nervousness before nodding my head.

With that, he immediately drops the luggage and lets a smile to appear on his face as he takes me lightly by my forearm and begins to pull me towards the kitchen, but stopping right as we make it to the door leading into it. Stopping me right in front of him and grabbing both of my arms as he looks straight into my eyes with his, a serious expression now plastering his face.

"I just want you to know before we go in there, my family has no clue of what I do for a living. So do me a huge favor, and please don't tell them," he gives me a pleading expression while whispering, surprised not only at what I've just heard, but the sight of a glint of vulnerability in his eyes for the first time of ever knowing him.

In the state of shock I was, I reply with the only answer I could think possible.

"O-Okay, but what do I say if they ask?"

"They think I work as a CEO at some business firm. That's why they don't question how I make the amount I do," he says, knowing my mouth is wide open when I feel his hand leave my arm to grab my chin and push it slightly back up.

He chuckles after letting his thumb rubbing slightly against my chin, the overall feel of his hands on my face and embarrassment of getting caught with my mouth open making my cheeks turn a crimson red.

"Well we should get in there before any bugs get a chance to fly in your mouth." He chuckles before opening the door and nudging me in, but unlike earlier, all eyes were on Adriano and me.

"My piccolo manichino!  You've finally made it!" I'm surprised when the smaller older woman with a thick accent runs up and starts to kiss his cheeks over and over, making a small smile appear on my face at the sight in front of me.

"Are you ever going to get tired calling me a dummy?" He laughs out, making everyone, even Bianka who was in there, chuckle to themselves at the glare on the lady's face as soon as she stopped kissing his face.

"Alright, I've missed you too, mamma," he says before kissing the top of her head, spooking me a bit when the lady quickly snaps her attention towards me. Walking up to me slowly with a curious expression on her face as she does so.

"Who are you? Adriano never just randomly brings pretty girls to family gatherings," the woman says as a smile starts to grow on her face, making me blush lightly at the complement, since I'm usually a person who doesn't tend to get them very often.


"She's my assistant." I immediately am cut off by Adriano, seeing as I was struggling for my words a bit, trying to not blurt out something I wasn't supposed to.

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