•|Chapter 15~Welcome to Holinda|•

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|Welcome to Holinda|

The sounds of plates clattering and people chattering feel my ears minute immediately as I step foot in the five star restaurant, making me take a small gasp in as I take in the beautiful aura of the place.

"Welcome to Holinda. Name?" The waitress with bright red lipstick and hair in a neat bun says, snapping me out of my trance to meet her eyes at the front counter.

"Um, I'm here for an interview?" I say trying not to stumble on my words at how nervous I was. The lady gives me a wide eyed look, as if the words I spoke were not in the English dictionary. She stumbles on her words before finally finding the words to speak.

"Uh, let me go get the manager. Please, sir over there for a second," she says before almost running off in a quick sprint. I eye her in confusion before finally just shrugging it off. I knew that this was a very pristine restaurant, but I didn't think the fact that they're so strict on the rules here, that people freak at even the slightest of things.

I sit there for a solid five minutes picking at the remains of the chipped nail polish I had from the other night out. The image of Adriano then popped in my head as I remember that day, and a whirlpool of questions along side of it.

Did he mean it when he said he didn't leave me behind that night?

If it wasn't him, who was contacting me? I never give anyone I don't trust my number. So who in the hell could do that?

Who in the hell would WANT to do that?

"Luna?" I hear a familiar deep voice say. That once again, snapped me out of my thoughts and back to reality. Looking up, a smile begins to grow at the sight of Blake.

"Hey, Blake," I say before standing up so I could at least look somewhat into his eyes while we converse.

"What're doing just sitting here? You're supposed to be waiting tables already," he says with a chuckle before adjusting his black bow tie that I guessed was the uniform here.

"I'm waiting for the manager. The girl told me to sit here and wait whi-" I was cut off from my blabbering to hear Blake's deep chuckle.

"What's so funny?" Just getting more chuckles in response, making me roll my eyes and let out a breath.

"Lune, I'm the manager here. You don't need to wait for my permission to start when I've already given you permission." The shock was probably prominent by my facial expression. Told by the comforting hand that was placed on my shoulder in that moment.

"Well how was I supposed to know that?" I question firmly before rolling my eyes once again and shoving his hand off my shoulder.

"Now, Luna. Don't roll your eyes or one day they'll get stuck in the back of your head," he says with a smirk that made me not help but smile in return.

"That saying is older than my mom, Blake," I say before crossing my arms in defense, making him laugh with a huge toothy grin plastered on his face.

The smile on his face fell when his eyes met what was behind me. The smile soon fell on mine as well once I turned to see a group of waiters and waitresses all grouped around and whispering to each other as they look at the both of us. I look back over at Blake to see all humor gone and replaced with something much more...

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