•|Chapter 22: Back to reality|•

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|Chapter 22|

|Back to reality|

I open my eyes slowly, confused for a micro-second onto why it was so cold in my room. And with a second of thought, the memory of what happened last all came rushing back.

"Oh my gosh..."  A small unnoticeable smile on my lips as I whisper to myself. Until realizing that I was under the sheets with no underwear on, being only in my thin cami as I hug the thick covers against my chest. Something feeling strange when I look over next to me and realize Adriano was not next to me in bed like we were last night.

And at the sound of a thud coming from the bathroom, I quickly jolt out of the bed and start to slip on my undergarments and trying to slyly slip out the door. Getting out the same timing as he came out of the bathroom.

It wasn't I regretted the event that took place why I left; in fact far from that, but rather it was I didn't want to face the rejection if he was the one to regret it. And that was something I couldn't risk facing the hard cold truth of.

Looking behind me as I ran back towards the house, slowing down when I Adriano's soaked-in-water stature watching me through the door and laughing as I ran back, until I turn my body to walk backwards. "Duty calls, boss! Gotta run," I state a bit awkwardly as I push a strand of hair behind my ear, quickly sprinting the rest of the way back the best I could in my condition.

Trying to lightly close the door was a complete fail when I run into a concerned looking Lucinda scanning my body while holding my shoulders to steady me, interrupting me before I could even apologize."Mio dio, what's happened to you?! You look to have been mauled by a bear!"

Figuring I get where she was coming from told by the disarray of my hair and clothes, I just form my lips in a thin line as she starts to furrow her brows in thought, hoping and praying she doesn't put the puzzle pieces together.

All hopes failing when she looks out the window to the cabin, a stoic look on her face, "Neanche per idea... (No way)" is all she mumbles before pulling me into the kitchen, a slight look of concern mixed with happiness on her face as she lightly shakes me.

"You had sex with him, didn't you?" Stunned at the bluntness of the question, I open my mouth before knowing what I was planning on saying.

"I'd-uh, imagine you wouldn't like to hear about tha-"

Squinting as I grasp my ears in pain at the time of her next choice of words."Holy shit! I can't believe what I'm hearing!" Shaking me in disbelief, that is until my heart stops at the familiar deep voice that interrupts us.

"Now what amazing disaster happened to put a smile that big on my little sisters face?" Both me and Lucinda immediately jump back from each other, looking at one another to egg on the other to make something up. Me giving up in the end as I just look down at the very fascinating floor.

"I-I'm pregnant!" Lucinda yells out suddenly, making me give her a 'really' look in response, her just subtlety shrugging at me, hinting the moment of panic in her. Hearing a chuckle come from the man in front of us in response with a look of slight confusion mixed in.

"I'll admit I'm a bit oblivious at times, but I'm not blind, mio piccolo." He chuckles out before pinching her cheek, making her glare at him as he continued to treat her as a kid.

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