•|Chapter 14~Old habits die hard|•

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|Chapter 14|
|Old habits die hard|

No amount of annoying alarm clocks, random phone calls or early Monday mornings could even compare to the hell I was feeling right now. The complete and utter sluggishness sided with a throbbing headache truly perfected the shitty morning with a cherry on top.

"What is it with me and alcohol?" I groan before rubbing the wasp nest known as my hair, trying to dull the ache from the aftermath of yesterday. Slowly, I step out of my bed, but stop when I fully focus to see it wasn't my bed, but the very uncomfortable couch.

I understood that I had a rough night, but what exactly did I do to cause such a rough night? Hell, what in Gods green earth even made me take a sip of alcohol? Confused of what happened last night, I run to the bathroom down the hall before shutting it in a haste. The stench of vomit, alcohol and perfume hitting me full faced as soon as I take a breath through my nose, making me recoil at the mixture.

Quickly, I look in the mirror and almost gasp at the sight of my distraught self. My mascara was not only smudged, but run all down my face, along with the tangled heap of hell on top of my head. Luckily due to the shortness of my hair and non-waterproof of my mascara. I just fix everything with a quick run of my fingers in my hair and wipe of blackness off my cheeks.

Something catches my attention on the side of the bathtub when I hear a loud vibrating. Looking over, I see it's my phone and almost fall from running over to grab it.

I figure since I can't say for myself what happened last night, at least someone can. In such a haste to answer, I don't even look at the caller I.D and answer it.

"Hello?" I answer almost panicked.

"Thank God, Luna. I thought he murdered you! Why haven't you picked up your phone?! I've called you like twenty times already!" Trying to get a grip on what was happening, I shut my eyes when I realize the deep voice belonged to Blake.

"Uh, I'm sorry. I just woke up," I say in a croaked tone before pulling back to look at the time, almost shitting a brick when I saw that it read 1:35 on the screen.

"Holy shit!" I mouth before putting my ear back to the phone.

"Past 1:30 in the afternoon?!"

"Hey, when I had my old job, I got up at six in the morning and worked until 4 in the afternoon. So I think I deserve a little peace in that department." I start to speak up a little louder, but not loud enough for anyone outside to hear. Hearing a sigh on the other side before getting a legitimate reply.

"Okay, but I just wanted to be sure you were okay. He didn't hurt you or anything, did he? Because the way he drug you out like that, I wasn't sure exactly what happened. I swear, Luna, he may be my boss, but if he laid a finger on you, I'll kill him cold blood."

"Blake, what in the hell are you going on about? Who was trying to hurt me?" I was starting to get more on the edge of my seat as we spoke. He was speaking as if my life was in danger or something. As if whatever happened last night almost cost my life.

"Wait, do you even remember what happened?" Bitting my thumbnail, a sway from side to side in nervousness. He can't be mad at me for not remembering, can he? I mean, the last thing I remembered was walking into the club with Blake's arm around my waist.

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