•|Chapter 25: What's left|•

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|Chapter 25|

|What's Left|

"Luna, come on, it's time to get up."

It was the bright light that stunned me into groaning and shoving my face into the pillow. It somehow made me feel like a kid again, every time my mom made me get up for school.

"Come on, Lune. It's a responsibility that you go to work and get your life back on track," Veronica says before sighing, realizing by my pause that it's not as simple as that.

"Look," she starts, siting on the edge of the bed in her guest room that I had been staying in since I got back. I only look at her with a straight face that obviously looked disheveled. "It's been over a month. You need to start to cope with the fact that he left you. And in Italy for that matter, with his family."

I looked up at her sorrow filled face, letting out a small breath with a pout. All before adding a nonchalant, "He's an ass."

The person that's been with me basically my whole life chuckles at my comment, making a small smile break out on my face, "Yeah, kinda insane how the only two guys you've ever gone out with had managed to both be dicks."

"Wow, thanks for that one, Veronica. You truly know how to cheer a girl with a broken heart up." I smile, letting her know that she's finally getting somewhere with me.

Immediately, she pulls me up and out of bed by dragging me by my arm, making me roll my eyes and groan as she yanked me up by my forearm.

"Alright, sad girl, time to get up and out of this house. And also, you are in desperate need of a shower, cause I'd hate to break it to you, hon, but your hair looks like it's been dipped in a bucket of grease."

"Damn, V, okay. I got it, I'm up," I say as I self consciously run my fingers from root to tip of my short locks of hair.

"Okay, I'm sorry, I'm done." She laughs before digging in the drawer next to the bed, flinching and closing my eyes to catch the clothes she throws at me a second later. "But you need a shower, now. Then work we go, understood?"

I roll my eyes, "Yes, ma'am," I say jokingly before walking away with a wave of my hand, heading into the bathroom before closing the door behind me.

I strip while I let the water heat up. Hoping in, I moan at the warm feel of the water falling over my body. Slowly, I fall into my own world as my thoughts overshadow my mind, killing any chance of this being a relaxing task.

He left me...

It's been over a month and I still can't get over the fact that he left me with everything he thought I needed in order to live. Though I didn't even take anything he gave me. I put the house he left me on the market and gave the money to charity. Only using what I needed in order to get back home, including the plane tickets.

I wouldn't take his money or anything he gave me for that matter. Leaving me here to stay with Veronica until I get back on my feet. Luckily enough, she scored me a position at her job working as newspapers and magazine researcher that pays pretty well. And at the rate I'm going, I'll be able to start over and move on with my life in a soon enough time.

As much as I wanted justice for my father, I need to act like this secret mission thing never happened.

Like he never existed...

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