•|Chapter 11~ Liars Never Prosper|•

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|Liars Never Prosper|

Being woken up to the sound of a cell phone blaring right in your ear is probably the worst sound to hear in the morning. Well, right next to your alarm clock. But just by my ounce of shitty luck, that's exactly how I get greeted on this wonderful Saturday morning.

Stumbling for my phone on the side table due to my head being still shoved in the pillow, I feel the phone in my grasp before picking it up to look at the name on it. Low and behold, Veronica's name and picture came up, making me let out a groan before clicking the answer button.

"Last time I checked, this was your 'deal with a hangover' day. What is the queen off of her party schedule for? Special occasion I could only assume," I say in a snarky tone before she could even get a peep out, getting a snort out of her in response.

"And I thought my lovely best friend was supposed to call after she was done doing whatever made her hang up on me, but sometimes we people have to go out of our comfort zone to get the things we need."

"Touché," I say with an arched eyebrow, making us both begin to crack up at our strange yet idiotic connection we have.

"No, but seriously, are you okay? I mean this is kinda your relax day off from work, why are you calling me?" I ask after I caught my breath after laughing, making Veronica sigh on the other side of the phone. There was a pregnant pause on the phone before she finally took a deep breath in to speak.

"Other than the fact I was kind of stunned that you hung up on me yesterday, in which I understand. I... You promise you won't get mad?" I scrunch my face in confusion before sitting up in my bed to try and wake up and contemplate on what was currently happening.

"Uh yeah, what's up, V?" She takes a shaky inhale before finally speaking.

"I'm kind of worried about you." She utters in a timid tone, making me even more completely perplexed.

"What? Why would you be worried about me? Let me rephrase that, why should you have a reason to be worried about me?"

"Did you seriously ask that? We rarely even talk anymore. And if we do, I'm the one to start it. And not only that, but you just left with no warning, it as if you were kidnapped... Oh my goodness, were you kidnapped?! You're being held against your will, aren't you? Cough twice if you need me to call the cops for yo-"

"Veronica, please stop. I haven't been kidnapped, and I'm not being held against my will. It's just-" I pause for a moment to take a breath, thinking onto what I could tell her and not give away the whole plate. I genuinely want to tell her the truth. That I'm doing this for my dad, and that I'm doing this for reasons only I would understand, but I can't. I guess I took too long for my turn to talk, because I get cut off.

"Look, Luna. I'm not trying to interfere with your life or whatever is going on in it, but I just want to be sure that you're okay and safe," she says in the most somber tone I've ever heard her speak. I know I should've told her the truth and she probably wouldn't have told anyone else. But the point is I need to just keep my jaw shut completely, because I'm not getting anyone else that I love involved with this deal.

"I'm fine, V. I promise."

"Then everything's all good." I could hear the tension between the both of our conversation as we spoke. To other people it would've sounded like an everyday conversation, but we knew there was something not right by the way we spoke.

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