•|Chapter 12~ Why would you?|•

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|Why would you?|

"Punch harder!" Listening to his command, I oblige by swinging with my left arm harder and hitting the punching glove Adriano was wearing with all my upper body.

"Good. Now try left kick swing," he commands and I once again, do as told; ending in a perfect round off kick.

"Not half bad, Petrov," Adriano says with a smirk as I go back to punching the gloves on his hands, making a smile begin to grow on mine as well. Really not to toot my own horn, but I've actually progressed really well from the last month and something weeks, I haven't really been keeping track.

"Thanks, Nightmare. Could say the same for you, old man, but I think your ego's already boosted high enough to fly to Mars," I say during a pause for affect before going back to punching. Looking up with a suppressed laugh coiling through my lips, I see his smile fall into a poker face before dropping the punching gloves. He then begins to rip off the gloves before throwing them down and walking up to me in a speedy fashion.

"Oh okay, Petrov. So cocky and boastful now that the princess knows how to fight, come at me and fight the 'old man' then," he says as he tries to suppress the grin on his face. Running up to me, he stops a foot before me before going into a fighting stance. With a shrug, I shake out my arms before following his stance.

"Bring it- wait, what's your last name again?" I say with a scrunched up face in question while going back to my normal stance. Seeing that 'really?' look come from Adriano before finally remembering.

"Oh right! Bring it, Russo." And with one last chuckle from Adriano, he comes up swinging with his right arm. I swiftly dodge it before going under his arm and switching positions. Adriano arches his eyebrows in awe before shaking himself out again.

"Not bad, kid. But next time, you might want to watch and make sure the person isn't gonna find another way of getting you to the ground. Such as having a knife," he says emphasizing the word, making me roll my eyes. He acts as if we haven't been doing this for the past month and a half.

"Okay, dad, I got it. Just stop talking already and fight me." I run at him before swinging both left twice and right. And of course, it got dodged as I figured. After another good three minutes of doing the same moves with the same repetitive techniques, and only getting one hit in, I begin to get tired.

Yes, the big boastful princess got tired, laugh it up.

Thinking, I begin to go through my mind of a way I could win without having to actually beat Adriano's ass to the ground. Getting the twisted idea in my head, I smile. I knew the idea was a chump move, but at this point, I just wanted to be able to say 'I beat Adriano Russo at something'. And I'd gladly take that 'something' involve fighting.

Moving forward, I 'twist' my right ankle before dramatically falling down on the boxing floor.

"Ouch, time out. I-I think I seriously injured it," I say while sucking air between my teeth. Looking up to see Adriano's expression, it was a look between something of sympathy and concern. The look actually makes me feel a bit guilty for what I'm about to do.

"Here, let me see," he says before kneeling down on one knee and studying my ankle while picking it up. I look down at my ankle before looking up to study his facial features again. His forehead crinkled in curiosity like it did the day he took me out on that mission, making me get lost a bit at the little things he did that made me want to smile in delight.

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