•|Chapter 7~ Flashbacks|•

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|CHAPTER 7~Flashbacks|

"There's a spare room down to the hall on the left," he says before throwing the keys on the small table that was next to the door as we walked in.

The whole rest of the car ride back was awkward. No one even spoke a peep the whole time we were together. Now that I think back on it, 'awkward' would be an understatement of what it really was.

"Um, okay," I hesitantly speak out before beginning to make my way down the hall. Not even looking around to see where I was going in the house, I ignored all my surroundings, as I was too busy trying to find my way to the bathroom.

"Where's the damn bathroom?" I mutter through clenched teeth before finally seeing the familiar looking door to the left of me. Turning the doorknob, I open the door to see a large bathroom with what seemed to be, a separate room for the toilet.

This is not the bathroom that I used last time, the other one was a lot smaller and not nearly as nice. So why do the doors look so much alik-

I'm quickly cut off from my thoughts to hear a deep voice that is forever scarred in my brain.

"What in the hell are you doing in here?!" At that, I turn around to see a large figure–that could only be identified as Adriano, looming over me with the look of fury in his eyes, making me start to stutter like a child that got caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

"I-The bathroom. I was looking for the bathro-"

"In my room?! The bathroom that you use is in the hallway further down. You've been there before, Luna! Stop acting all clueless and innocent and get out!" He yells, making me stumble on my words before rushing past him and into the hallway.

I was stunned at the fact I ended up in his room. I guess that's what happens when you don't stay aware of your surroundings. But I was more stunned at the way he raised his voice. Seeing the evil and heartless part of Adriano scared me to an extent where I never wanted to even look into those cold ocean blue eyes again.

Seeing the guest bathroom, I quickly run into it before slamming the door behind me. Catching my breath, I lean against the door before finally collecting my sanity and starting to strip out of the dirty clothes I've been wearing.

With my underwear the last to go, I get in. The warm water cascading down my body as I let the dirt and grime of the whole day fall down into the drain.

Washing my hair, I begin to remember flashes of last night events of me with him.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He ask as he pushes me further down the hall before slamming me lightly against the wall. The look of concern and lust mixed in his ocean blue eyes, making the arousal in me begin to stir even more. Ignoring the nervous jitters in my stomach, I take a large gulp of air before replying.

"I want this more than you could ever fathom. I don't just want this, I need this, Mystery man." And with that, he cracks a small smirk before pushing me into the bathroom. Turning on the dim switched lights to a soft setting as we both stumble into the room with our lips still in sync with each other.

Fumbling with the button on his pants, he breaks apart from our kiss and stops me right before I could fully get them undone.

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