•|Chapter 20~ Second chance? Or second party?|•

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|Second chance? Or second party?|

"Lune, you there?" I finally snap out of my daze.

"G-Go to Italy? To see your family?" He just laughs at my lack of ability to speak like a normal human being, making me glare into his bright blue orbs.

"Yes, that is unless you don't feel comforta-"

"No, no, it's not that. It's just I-I don't want to intrude, and I doubt your family would seriously like me considering they're use to your wife that was probably perfect in every sense of the way," he gives me an unreadable look before setting down the cake that was between us. Catching me off guard when he pulls me closer by my wrist and crouches to meet my eyes.

His face showed nothing but seriousness as he spoke his next words.

"You are never intruding, and I know they'd love you just as much, if not more. So you can get both of those thoughts straight out of that pretty little brain of yours." He smiles reassuringly, making me not help but do the same in return.

"Fine, but you better be sure to tell them we're not together. Because that'll be my death note if they think you're already with someone new," I say with a nervous smile present, he just shakes his head while laughing at my words before starting to walk towards the stairs.

"Get packed now, we're leaving tonight," he says immediately making my pulse skyrocket.

Tonight? Tonight?!

Why in the hell are we leaving tonight? And how does he expect me to get ready in that short amount of time?

"Wait, tonight?! How many days are we staying in Italy?"

"Use your imagination," He states before making his way up the stairs, leaving me to stare at him with a confused gaze.

I didn't quite understand why exactly he was inviting me to such a personal event. I figured it could be pity, but I didn't want to jump to any conclusions.

You mean like whenever your insecure self assumed Adriano didn't feel the same about you, just because it took someone else knocking some sense into him to have to realize that?

I shake my head to rid the memory of the whole Adriano scenario. There was no longer a reason to even think about us in that type of way anymore because we will no longer be anything more than partners, friends at best. But I am definitely not putting the label any higher than that.

Then it struck me...

8 months ago...

With  a moment of debating with myself, I finally decide to go in, instantly  going wide eyed at the sight of all of the weapons and ammunition.  Starting to walk around the room, I see that there are newspapers with  descriptions on them. I keep looking and see that there are small  pictures of people on the wall, some that have eliminate in process written on them, or terminated. My  pulse begins to pick up, but all time stops when I begin to read some  of the newspaper articles that were tapped onto the wall.

Nightmare Assassin strikes again at WillowHall stadium after killing ambassador of dreamfounder inc.

Heart  beginning to drum through my chest as I read dozens and dozens more of  newspaper and internet articles all like that, but not until seeing the  last one that officially made everything in my living vessel stop.

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