•|Chapter 10~ Keep the harsh word coming|•

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|Keep the harsh words coming|

"Oh come on, it can't be that bad. You're probably just overanalyzing the whole thing," Veronica speaks through the phone, making me let out an un-audible sigh. Shutting my eyes in frustration that she doesn't even know the half of what's going on and the whole story.

It's not like I didn't want to tell her, it's just that I couldn't. Adriano even said until this missions over, I'm not aloud to go too into depth onto what I'm doing and why.

Hell, I can't even tell her about who my dad use to be and what really happened to him.

"Uh yeah, you're probably right. I'm just being over dramatic," I say after taking a large inhale of air. It's really hard to talk and not let everything slip out while I'm talking to her. I mean she's my best friend for goodness sakes. How in the hell am I supposed to not just blurt out all of my problems to her in one sitting?

"See, one step closer to acceptance. Which will come in handy while getting over that asshole of an ex you once called a boyfriend." My eyes go wide at the fact that I forgot to tell her about the whole going over to Ryan's madness.

"Yeah, about that, I kinda wentoverthereandforgavehimaboutthewholething," I say so quickly that I hope she doesn't here a word I said. But of course, a friend you've known for years will obviously be able to understand the words you say, even if it does sound like a chihuahua on crack. Expressed  exactly by the loud gasp on the other side of the phone.


That's all I hear before taking my phone away from my ear due to the door getting shoved open by, you guessed it, Adriano.

"Hey, there's something important we need to discuss about the mission. Come downstairs ASAP." His expression then turns from charged to quizzical the moment he here's the faint yelling from my cell phone, in return giving him a small smile.

"Bad time?" He ask jokingly with a smirk, pointing at my phone as if he knew what was going on and got a total kick out of it.

"No! And I'll be down there in a second, just wait!" I yell quietly as to not disturb the beast on the other side of the phone, making Adriano let out a muffled guffaw before shutting the door behind him as he left. Putting the phone back to my ear I winced before finally cutting her off from her ramble.

"Look, I know you're upset and all, but I gotta deal with something. Scold me later, bye!" I yell over her before ending the call and flailing my head back onto the pillow. With a second to recoil my sanity after that call, I finally pull myself up and off of the bed before starting to make my way down the stairs. I actually loath the guest room on the second floor, but it's not like the homeless girl is gonna complain.

Starting to edge my way down, a group of people surrounding the TV comes to my vision before finally making it all the way down to see its a group of men looking at a very complex diagram of a map planned out on the TV. Right as my feet hit the ground of the first story, the main boss with salt and pepper hair that I saw the first trip to the SSOJ building. A smile growing on his lips before finally acknowledging my presence.

"Ah, so the Petrov finally decided to join the party," he says gesturing towards my direction, making everyone that was sitting on the couch eyes wander over to me. And for the person that was speaking stop what he was saying to do as the others. My cheeks tint pink before slowly starting to make my way towards the living room. Realizing that the person that was speaking was Adriano, I let out a relieved sigh before finally taking a seat to the sofa closest to him, and farthest from anyone else.

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