•|Chapter 13~Princess and the Unknown caller|•

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|Princess and the Unknown |

"How in the hell did Veronica do this?" I say while trying to put on a decent amount of eyeshadow. I literally try to put on the bare minimum when coming to makeup, due to the fact I'm not trying to make myself look like one of those girls with pounds of cake on their face. Not to take it personally, but I just feel kind of fake and not myself when layers of my face is covered to not even reveal my actual face anymore.

After the thousandth time poking and prodding my eyes out, I decide what I had on was enough and put all my contraptions up before making my way down stairs. Getting to the bottom, I see that Adriano is no where in sight.

"Adriano, are you ready?!" I raise my voice in hopes to get his attention, but get no response. I start to walk around to see if he could be anywhere hidden around the house. Taking a good five minutes to look around, I'm thrown off when I hear a buzzing coming from my hand. Looking to see it was a text from an unknown number, I give the phone a quizzical stare before opening the text to see it was a text from Adriano.

Hey, it's Adriano. I had to take care of some early business down at the bar club we're going to. I'll see you there soon, okay? Just ask a coworker to take you, thanks. Sorry, bye.

Glaring at the phone, I didn't know whether to cry out of anger, or curse Adriano's ass out when I got the the club. Maybe he had a good explanation, but what could be so damn important where he couldn't even wait to take me. Nevertheless, the text seemed kind of dubious itself. Especially considering I thought I had him in my contacts already.

Shaking every ounce of doubt I had, I concluded he probably just used someone else's phone or something because his died. I mean, it's Adriano, his whole existence is a big question mark. I was about to run to get my keys since I most likely wouldn't be drinking anyway, but stop when I remember my piece of crap car broke down earlier in the week and is in the shop.

Letting out a shaky breath from the seething anger I was feeling, I remember the card Blake gave me. Quickly, I run up to the room before stealing the card from my drawer and typing in the number.

One ring, two rings. On the third ring, I hear a gruff voice answer on the other side.


"Hi, Blake, this is Luna. You probably don't remember me but if you do, I'd still like to take you up on that chauffeur offer." I say in a hurry, making a long pause stand on the other side of the phone.

"I'm sorry, I don't know who this Blake guy is," the man on the other side of the phone says, making my heart stop in its tracks.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. This guy gave me his numb-" I'm quickly cut off to hear a loud laughter come from the other side of the call, making me frown in confusion.

"You sure are one gullible girl, now aren't you? And yes, I'll be there in ten, I'm leaving now anyway so it works out good," he says while still chuckling, my heart beginning to go back to its regular speed once again.

"Okay great, see you then," I say before hanging up. Too mad at Adriano to even be upset at Blake's joke of the night.

Going outside, I sit on the curb with my hand resting on my cheek with my elbow propped on my leg while kicking the dirt under my shoes. Not even ten minutes go by when I see the beaming headlights pull up in the driveway. Standing up, I adjust myself before making my way towards the silver BMW.

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