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180 years ago.

"Take her and leave" The queen screamed at her closest maid, practically throwing the newborn into her arms.

The baby was wrapped in a new,  tightly knitted blanket,  made by her mother in the year preparing for her birth. The blanket had a delicate 'Ax'  inbroided into it,  symbolising that the blanket was only meant for the baby Alexa wrapped inside of the blanket.

"Ma'am I cannot leave you,  you will die" Maria cried out to the Queen as she took a hold of the baby.

"Maria,  I will die either way,  you and I both know that." The queen said with a calm tone in her voice in order to calm the maid down,  so that she was able to give her specific instructions.

The maid finally began to calm herself down a small amount,  allowing herself to be able to fully understand the Queens wishes.

"You are my most trusted and loyal maid,  and I need you to obey one last command for me" The queen asked,  laying her hand on the maids shoulder.

"You need to take her and raise her like you would your own. She is the only heir left to this throne and I cannot let this bloodline die,  because those who take after me will not be good enough and will turn this world into something it is not meant to be." She continued as her eyes began to water.

"She's always going to know that she is different because of the full moon,  but you have to get her to understand and know that no one is allowed to know that about her,  no one,  only you until the time is right for her" The queen sighed and squeezed her eyes,  letting the tears flow down her cheeks.

The screams of death travelling throughout the castle became louder and louder as time went on, reminding the Queen that her life was coming to an end sooner rather than later.

"My sweet Alexa,  we have only been acquainted for a few hours,  but I have already fallen completely in love with you. I know in my heart that when the time is right,  you will do what is right for us all" The queen said to the baby sleeping in the maids arms,  she laid a kiss on her forehead and slipped a letter inside of the blanket. The letter said 'For Alexa when she turns 180 years old'

The Queen proceeded to direct the maid towards a small door,  hidden behind a large painting in the basement of the palace where the two had met as the crowds began to gather around the palace gates. She indicated for the maid and the child to leave through the passage.

Before the maid could even look towards the passage,  she was pulled into an embrace from the Queen.

"I trust you,  and I know you will do what is right" she whispered into Maria's ear before gently pushing the maid with the still sleeping child through into the passage. Not forgetting to give the maid a large lit candle.

The maid began to walk through the long and dark passage,  filled with cobwebs and various insects crawling all around her. It didn't bother her,  she had been around for 320 years already,  and had seen far worse.

The maid knew that she would have to go out to her own home and collect her only son and husband before running away to find somewhere else to stay.

She continued through the passage for what felt like forever,  distancing herself from the screams in the distance. The candle wasn't going to last once she left the passage and was exposed to the cold nights air.

The light from the moon beamed into the passage,  showing that she was soon going to be outside. Once she got to the end, she felt the cool breeze hit her,  making the hairs on her arms stand up.

She looked up into the sky,  allowing herself to see the bright full moon that shon down onto the pair. She looked down at the baby who was still fast asleep,  unaware of what was going on all around her. She knew that if the babies eyes were to open right now,  her eyes would shine a bright purple colour.

"You have no idea how important you are" she spoke softly to the baby,  holding her close to her body to try and keep the child warm.

She then began to pick up her speed,  running through the forest, only using her enhanced senses to find her way threw to her house.

Once she saw her house coming towards her in the distance,  she knew that something wasn't right. She edged closer towards the house and saw that the door had been bashed in and was smashed onto he floor.

She entered the little hut like house and saw a man laying dead on the floor. She walked slowing over the man towards the kitchen and saw her husband laying against the table quickly aging to his real age of 380. She noticed her son sat next to his father crying. Although he looked like a two year old to anyone else he was a lot more intellectually advanced than any other two year old.

"Darling" she wept as she sat beside her dying husband,  watching him age and slowly slip away from her. He was too far gone to be able to say anything back to her. She looked over to her son who weeping into his hands as he saw his father dying.

"Taehyung,  we need to leave now." she said calmly,  trying not to let the anger of the situation cloud her. The young boy nodded and stood up and took his mother's hands.

She proceeded to collect all they needed to survive for the next few nights. She knew that the small supply of blood wouldn't last very long for them,  but it would be enough to keep them going before she had to hunt.

They returned to the woods,  looking for somewhere to shelter them for the night. She needed it to be somewhere safe and hidden,  somewhere that those hunting for herself and the two children wouldn't think of looking in.

She finally found a small cave,  big enough to fit them in to hide for the night. Once the were inside,  the baby began to wake up. Her eyes shon brightly as the light from the full moon fell onto face,  exaggerating the bright purple colour that her eyes had turned.

"Mother,  who is she?" Taehyung asked,  holding his mother's arm tightly onto her.

"Taehyung this is your sister Alexa,  you are not to ever tell anyone about her eyes." she said sternly, so that the young boy recognised the serious tone.

He looked down to her and smiled as the newborn yawned and gently lifting her hand to hold onto the hand of the young boy that he offered to her.

"I'll always look after my little sister" he said,  from his limited vocabulary.

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