Chapter Twelve

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I could see Crescent Moon through the trees as we neared. I was nervous,  I didn't know how they were going to react. I knew they would love me no matter what,  atleast that's what they said. But would they?

I'm hoping that they'll be so happy to find that I escaped that they won't be so bothered by the others. I don't know how they'll react to the bond between me and Namjoon,  I mean it's not like I could help it. In the end it did benefit me,  or else I'd still be in that cell. Probably beaten to pulp.

"How come you two hate Quarter Moon?" I asked as I walked next to J-hope,  I was still holding onto Namjoons hand as we walked.

"They killed our parents when we were both young. They rebelled against what Quarter Moon does,  and for that they were executed" Jungkook said sadly and looked down slightly, as we continued to walk.

"They thought that by killing them,  they could manipulate us and become a stronger version of them. It didn't work" J-hope said and laughed slightly at the fact that it didn't work for them.

"We trained to become guards,  got all the fighting techniques and excelled above everyone else there. If we didn't do well,  we'd be killed too. We were always going to leave at some point. Preferably when Namjoon did since we all have different skill points that would help us" Jungkook explained. It was sweet to know that they all looked out for eachother and wouldn't leave one behind. It reminded me of the friendship I had at Crescent Moon with my brother and the boys.

"Did you get the scar from training?" I asked Jungkook,  I noticed his scar that was around his cheekbone. He smiled and looked down.

"No,  I got it from a fight with a werewolf. It's fair to say that they don't really seem to like me" he laughed as he explained what the cause was.

I'd always been told about werewolves and how they didn't exactly like vampires,  especially Quarter Moon. But I'd never actually encountered one, nor did I know what they looked like really. I suppose they tend to mix with humans a lot more than we ever did. I mean there were lots of different kinds of creatures and beings in this world with different abilities that I'd never encountered. I had a lot of this world to see still.

As we continued to walk through the trees,  we finally came to the opening of the trees,  revealing the buildings of my home. I took a deep breath as we neared. I looked around to make sure none of the guards were on this side yet. Once I knew it was okay,  we ran forward. We ran up to the doors to the main building. I say ran,  the others did,  however I had ahold of my sides the whole time.

Once we got to the door I signalled to them that we had to be quiet. I entered the pin into the door so that no alarm would go off. Once we were inside we had to quietly walk up the stairs until I saw my room. We gently opened the door,  making sure no one else was inside my room for any unknown reason. I practically chucked them all into my room,  including Holly.

"Right listen,  I need to get my brother and my best friends. So you three stay in here and don't make a noise. Also don't go touching anything that shouldn't be touched." I said and looked at them seriously. They nodded and sat on my bed as I left. Holly came with me,  to go and collect the boys.

I decided that the first person to find was of course Taehyung. He was on the same floor as me too so it wasn't like I had to go far. Me and Holly walked down the corridor towards his room. My heart beat was beating faster than usual. Honestly,  right now I was unbelievably excited to see my brother again. Thing is,  my face was still cut up and fairly raw, I was scared to how they would react to it.

I stood outside of his door. I nodded towards Holly who nodded back and took a deep breath. I gently opened the door and saw Taehyung laying in his bed hugging onto his duvet as he slept. He looked so peaceful,  I didn't want to wake him up but I knew I had to. I would have jumped onto him,  but I don't think my sides would be able to take it.

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