Chapter Thirty Three

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"One more time" Jin asked for what felt like that hundredth time. I huffed, looking down at the paper that had my speech on it.

"Jin, I'm not being funny but I've read it so many times now that I honestly feel like I'm a machine that's being overworked and is about to explode" I slumped down onto the sofa, next to Jimin and Holly who had offered to sit and listen, but even they looked bored to death.

"Alright, but practice infront of a mirror, you want to be as confident as you can be." Jin smiled, trying to look confident in me, but I could see right through it.

"I'll be okay, I'll just pretend that I'm talking to Taehyung or something" I tried to reason, although I knew that I was just saying anything to stop. He simply sighed and smiled reassuringly, before exciting the room.

I lay across the sofa, looking anything other than someone about to become Queen. A lot more guards had been hired to roam the castle inside and out, it was strange. I feel like it would seem very lonely if it wasn't for the fact that all the boys seemed to have conveniently moved in. Not that I minded, they were like family to me anyway and I was used to them being around at all time.

"How are you doing, Alexa?" Jimin asked, with an arm wrapped around Holly. They both smiled at me as they looked over at my tired and lazy self.

"I feel like I should be a lot more stressed than I am" I admitted, sitting myself up to look at them, not being able to help but wonder where Namjoon and Tae were.

"I think it's because it's so short notice, and you've had a lot of people help you out" Holly spoke softly, smiling at me. I smiled back and found myself looking around the room like I always found myself doing.

"I can't help but feel useless. I've always been used to doing things myself to a certain degree, but now, it's everyone else" I sighed, pulling my hair up into a pony tail and standing up to stretch.

"It will be alright, everything will come together, I just know it. Especially if we get up and do something" Jimin laughs, looking at him and Holly. I smiled at them, enjoying how cute they looked before realising I should probably leave and walk off.

I still wasn't completely sure about the layout of the castle. I knew it well enough to get to the places I needed to but I hadn't had the chance to roam around by myself. I guess roaming around a large castle that had been neglected for a long time and had various things stolen probably wasn't the smartest or safest idea, but when had I done anything particularly safe or smart? I needed to figure it out soon enough anyway.

I wondered around the castle, feeling as though I was going circles. I realised that only one part of the castle had been focused on for now as I wondered. A lot of people had been hired to organise the castle for me to be crowned Queen, many from the other campus' that had formed allegiance with Crescent Moon and overall Full Moon. I could hear workers ahead, trying not to draw any attention to me, I crept closer to the large door they were hanging around.

There was still 5 days until I would officially be Queen Alexa, and my eyes would be constantly bright purple. 5 days until I would have to seem the serious and responsible Queen that everyone wanted and expected, although I knew deep down that I would still act like my usual self inside the castle.

I notice the workers moving away, allowing me to have the chance of sneaking in. I didn't look in the room until I was inside, only to see a long aisle with seats moving down either side like a church. At the top was two thrones, one noticeably bigger than the other. I assume it was for the King or Queen since it was so large, although the one next to it was still large, but just not as much as the first one.

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