Chapter Twenty Three

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Running back through the trees, I knew something was wrong. I could feel it in the pit of my stomach. I didn't care about running through the trees in the middle of the night, I only cared about getting back to Crescent Moon.

All the thoughts of what could have happened ran through my mind. Everything that could have gone wrong. I knew it would have to involve Namjoon though, I couldn't explain how I knew. Sealing the bond meant that we have a deeper connection, and that means that I could feel that he was in trouble.


He went to follow Taehyung for me whilst I came here. If Taehyung is still with him, I don't know what will happen. I don't even know where they are.

What if others had been hurt while I was gone?

What if history had repeated itself and a surprise attack had fallen upon Crescent Moon while I was gone? I could heal people, but I didn't know how much I could until I lost all energy. I couldn't bring people back from the dead, atleast that's what Elizabeth had said.

I continued running, I had an idea of where I was, but that doesn't mean I was going the right way. Although, I feel like my head is too all over the place to take too much notice.

I could hear Elizabeth shouting after me, as I sprinted off. I had forgotten that she couldn't run at the speed I could. But I needed to get back to see what had happened, and hopefully to find that nothing had happened, only my imagination.

Taehyung seemed angry when he left. He can't have been angry enough to hurt Namjoon could he? I knew he had been acting strange around him, but to hurt him would be a new level. Something he would never do, would he?

The thoughts of Tae doing something bad scared me, he was slightly unpredictable. But that was too much.

I ran into an open space, showing me the buildings of Crescent Moon. Everything was still and quiet in the night. Nothing looked obvious of anything happening, but then again who says nothing is happening inside.

I instantly ran into the main building, heading towards the library. I could only hear the people waking up and walking around. I was starting to think I had gone slightly insane, but I knew I had to get answers. Even if it was just was that I was becoming overly paranoid for no apparent reason.

Once I opened the library, I saw
J-hope and Yoongi stood talking to eachother and smiling. I would normally find it cute, but right now I needed to find out exactly what was wrong.

"Yoongi" I called out to him, I felt like I was on the verge of tears. Everything seemed fine around here, but I knew that nothing was fine. Atleast in my mind it wasn't.

"Alexa, what's wrong?" he asked, instantly moving over towards me. He threw his arms around me to comfort me, pulling me into him.

"Somethings wrong, I just know it. Where's Namjoon?" I asked as I was still held in his arms, water flowing out of my eyes.

"Isn't he still with Taehyung? What do you mean somethings wrong?" Yoongi asked, pushing me away from him, so he could look at me clearly.

"Somethings wrong, I don't know what, but I know it is atleast has something to do with Namjoon. I just felt a really bad feeling in the pit of my stomach" I said, realising how stupid it sounded, considering I had no real evidence for my reasoning.

He looked at me and let out a heavy breath. He looked over to J-hope who was quietly watching.

"How about we split up and look for him around the perimeter? He's probably with Taehyung still, depending whether Taehyung is still annoyed or not" he asked reassuringly, his hands were still holding onto my arms as he looked at me.

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