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A long time into the future.

Throughout the time Alexa had reigned as Queen, she pushed the boundaries of what was seen as previous norms. Although it took her time for the vampires, and creatures alike to follow and trust in her controversial decisions; they worked to her advantage in the end.

Decisions such as making their existence known more towards humans was a start. This was for various reasons, but the main one is that they needed the blood. Although animal blood was good and it sustained them for a while, they needed enough for all. Also, it was the only way she new that would get Quarter Moon to follow her, getting them what they needed to prevent any brutal deaths off of a hungry Vampire.

The humans took it well enough, although some were terrified and thought that throwing crosses at anyone that they deemed to look like a vampire was a good idea, they got used to the idea. Don't worry, no one was slaughtered like you may think. It was more of a donation thing, it made things easier for both, and once a vampire was full, it made it easier for them to disguise amongst the humans without causing any trouble.

She was a better ruler than any before, even if some disagreed. She was more in touch with those around her, listening to those who spoke more than they had to listen to her. It became a mutual respect between her and those she ruled over, making her a special kind of ruler. Once which she hoped her heirs would carry on.

Yes, her and Namjoon had children. 3 to be exact, 2 girls which sandwiched the only boy they had. Each child were alike in appearance, but their personalities were the complete opposite. All of them took on Namjoons chocolate coloured eyes when they weren't purple during the full moon. They also had his dimples, which helped to warm the hearts of those around them. They took on Alexa's paler complexion, and dark brown hair that had larger waves throughout them. Alongside these, they took on both Namjoon's and Alexa's height, which helped them to intimidate as they wished.

Their first daughter was named Electra, she was very much like Alexa. She was talkative and had a very large sassy side to her, which made people like her, and if they didn't, she knew how to make them change their minds. She intimidated if she wished, knowing how she could effect people whenever she wanted, but she very rarely did. Electro was fearless, but she had a big heart that she tried to hide, but often failed. It made people admire her, which was especially helpful for when she would one day take the throne.

Their youngest daughter, Adelia focused on making people smile and warm their hearts whenever she saw them or was spoken about. She was much softer than Electra, but she used that to her advantage. She was incredibly smart, they all were, but she knew how to use her intelligence to trick people when necessary. But like I said before, she was very soft, so it was a rare occasion that she would use it against someone.

Finally, their middle child and only son, Calix. He was much more like Namjoon than Alexa, he took on Namjoon's good looks and used them to his advantage. All the females around him swooned for him, admiring everything he did. I say just females, but really all admired him. He was strong in all ways you can imagine, but he had a heart of gold. Calix was funny too, which only added to his charisma.

It was fair to say both Namjoon and Alexa had always been proud of their children and brought them up the best they could, for others around them to admire. They never failed to make them laugh and smile whenever the needed it, or maybe not.

You may be wondering what happened with Namjoon and Alexa. Well, to tell you the truth, their love grew stronger as they grew older. Having their children only added to their love and bond. They'd always said what they had was more than just a bond, more than just a connection that brought them together and it was true, especially in their last days.

Towards the end of both their lives, Namjoon was the one who was clearly slowly passing. Spending his last days in his bed with his family around him. It was beautiful when you think about it, his family never left his side, especially Alexa. She herself was too old to use her abilities to heal him back to health, and it hurt her beyond words that she couldn't do anything.

Just the thought of being without Namjoon on this earth was too much for Alexa to bare. She knew that once he passed, the pain would be too much for her and maybe even for him. She'd heard of how the pain for some in a bond was so painful that it caused the death of themself, once their partner passed on into another world.

She didn't want that. She didn't want the pain of the thought of being without him to stay with her any longer than it should. The thought was painful enough, and that was hard to bare. She'd seen him die in her arms before once, and the pain and the numbness she felt, was nothing she wanted to feel again.

The night that she knew would be his last, she told her children of what her plan would be. Although it hurt the children, they knew that it was the best thing, they knew how strong their parents connection was, and to see either of them without the other would only bring on their own pain.

That night, she laid with Namjoon, holding him close and reminiscing of all they'd been through, smiling and laughing as she spoke. He did too, even if the life was slowly leaving his body. She told him how much she loved him constantly, almost repeating it straight away just so he knew. But of course he knew, and he knew just how much he loved her back.

Once the time came, where his eyes no longer shone the way they used to, when his skin felt colder than before, she knew it was her own time to pass. Instead of feeling pain once she took her own life, she only felt happiness as her life left her own body to follow wherever Namjoon went.

Their children always spoke about how they knew they had both passed, and gone up into the sky to be together. Once they saw two of the brightest stars shine in the sky side by side together, they knew it was them both together, watching down on them always.

They always knew they'd be together forever.

And they were right.

(A/N: THIS MADE ME CRY BUCKETS WRITING THIS SO IF YOU CRIED AT ALL I'D LIKE TO SAY I AM BEYOND SORRY. Although, I'd always planned for this to be the very end, even at the very start of the book, so I hope you find it a good ending.

Also, I am crying because this is the very end of this story, which in all honesty breaks my heart because the story meant so much to me, even if it had its flaws and errors. However, all your kind words throughout this has honestly helped me so much to write and you all mean so much to me.

Whether you've been here from the start, or you've read this in one go, or it's taken you ages to read, whoever you are, thank you for taking any moment out of your time to read my book, it means so much to me and you honestly have no idea how much it really does mean to me. But for anyone that has ever read this, or is going to read this or whatever. Thank you so much! And I hope that I'll continue writing my other stories, and you'll follow me throughout them too.

Thank you so much.

Lots of love,

Niamh (SinBinJinBin aka the author of this) ❤️)

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