Chapter Twenty Seven

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"It was just a dream, don't worry about it" Jin reassured me and pulled me into a hug. Although he was reassuring me, he didn't seem to believe his own words.

That worried me.

I held onto Jin a lot longer than I probably meant to. I just wanted to cry to someone and to be held.

I didn't want to do this, I didn't want to face what I was about to face. I knew I had to, and that it would be for the best. However, that didn't stop me from being afraid.

You see in all the films, that the main girls are fearless and brave. How can they be? In reality, not only is my life at stake, but so are others. People that mean the world to me.

I'd spent all my life, worrying about the time where I'd have to face Quarter Moon; to face the world. Worrying about the time where I'd have to finally take the throne, to have the power I was made to have, even if I didn't want it.

But now... Was I even going to have the chance to see the throne? If they didn't kill me, seeing others die might.

I'm not like the heroines in the films, who suddenly take charge and fight for what they believe in. I'm not fearless and can seem to think straight. I can't guarantee that everyone's going to be alright and survive.

But that doesn't mean I won't try. I will do my best to get back what they took. I will do what I can to stop myself from being taken by them, from being killed by them. Trying to keep my emotions back will be hard, and I'm not talking about being sad. I'm talking about anger, rage even. That, I don't know whether I'll be able to hold it back.

"Alexa, they're here" Holly walked up to me and spoke softly, I hadn't spent too much time with her since we escaped. Although she sometimes stayed with us, especially Jimin, but she had her own group.

I nodded to her lightly and began to follow her. I looked back at Jin, signalling to get the others. Once I had sorted this, we were going to be on our way.

I followed her towards Georges office. A few people passed me, sending sympathetic smiles and bows in my direction. I would return the favour, showing my respect back to them.

I could hear the sounds of them discussing the events that were about to occur inside. As I walked in, I saw Mason, Jace and about 15 other werewolves with them, spread out across the room, some outside of the office watching us. George, his wife Leane and my mother were all stood with them.

"Mum?" I asked as I walked in, gaining the attention of everyone. I watched as my mother threw her arms around my neck, pulling me into a tight embrace.

"I wasn't sure if you'd wake up from the sleeping pills you took" she said, laughing slightly to try and lighten the mood, although I knew all too well how anxious she must be feeling.

Speaking of the medication, they were strong, strong enough to send me to sleep almost instantly. Maybe they were the reason for the dream, for making it even so real.

"Well I needed something, or else I'd have had no chance of sleeping" I admitted, still be held in the embrace.

"I wish I'd have taken something" she sighed as we pulled out of the embrace and looked at eachother. She placed her hand over my cheek, caressing it as she looked up at me sadly.

Neither of us knew what to say to eachother. Everyone else went quiet the moment I walked in, so I could feel all eyes on me.

The silence was interrupted by the sounds of the rest of the boys coming into the room. It was lucky that the room was large, there was so many people already in here.

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