Chapter Seven

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I walked into my room and instantly sat down on the floor in front of my mirror. I found my makeup wipes and began to wipe off all the left over makeup from yesterday. It wasn't much, just eyeshadow and eyeliner and mascara. I didn't really bother wearing much makeup.

I brushed my hair so that it would go up into a ponytail without looking so messy and knotted. I threw my hair up into a high pony tail so that it was out of my face as much as possible. I picked out my gym leggings that were just plain black with a white tank top that had some random logo on it. I found a cute black sports bra that would go with the tank top as well. Honestly I don't know why I owned this,  but when you've been alive for 180 years, you just collect whatever you see in hope that you might need it one day.

I put on the outfit and looked at myself in the mirror. I did look like someone who went to the gym often even though I think I've been twice in an effort to get "fit" even though I always ended up giving up. I don't think anyone would let me give up this time.

I Looked over my face,  making sure that nothing looked different. People said that there was a glow or something like that when someone had bonded, but honesty I couldn't see anything and I didn't think I would. It just sounded like how people talk about humans when they are pregnant. To be honest, humans got it easy with pregnancy, they had the chance of getting pregnant every month,  whereas vampires only have a chance once a year. Also their pregnancies last 9 months whereas ours last 1 year and a half. I mean that's why there isn't as many vampires,  it isn't worth the hassle.

I picked up a black hoodie that I could just throw on and put on my trainers before leaving my room again. The sports and activities building was next to this one so it wasn't like I had to walk far,  which was good considering I had no idea what was in stall for me.

I walked into the building and followed through different hallways before finding where the gym was. I know I had been here before,  but that was probably years ago. I think going to the gym was probably a good idea for me.

I finally walked in and saw that the gym wasn't that full,  I think most of the people had left as I was walking to find whereabouts this was. I looked around the gym trying to find either Jimin or Yoongi, I couldn't see them anywhere. I continued to look until I saw Jimin doing chin ups while Yoongi just sat there rolling his eyes over Jimin showing off.

"What are you doing?" I asked and sat down next to Yoongi on the bench in front of Jimin.

"I'm proving that I can do 50 chin ups" Jimin said in between pulling himself up.

"48, 49, 50" Jimin said each time before dropping down and beginning to almost dance over how happy he was for proving what he could do,  before getting his water and drinking it.

"So what do you want me to do?" I asked,  assuming that I wasn't here to just watch Jimin and Yoongi argue over who's better at different exercises.

"Well since the only thing you can really do is run, we thought it would be best to help you build up your muscles aswell" Yoongi said and stood up, I stood up too as myself and Jimin followed him into the middle of the gym.

"Before we do anything you need to warm up so that there is less of a chance of hurting yourself and it makes things a bit easier" Jimin smiled at me and pulled me over to a treadmill.

"I would say this is a pulse raiser but we barely have pulses" Jimin laughed and started the treadmill up and made me get on it.

I started running slowly on it and gradually increasing the speed on it, the speed didn't bother me. I was a fast runner,  I always had been. I remember when I was younger,  playing with Jin,  Tae,  Jimin and Yoongi during the summer and I was in a flowery dress,  chasing after the boys after Yoongi stole my head band. Even then I could catch up with them despite how much older they were.

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