Chapter Twenty Four

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I was in a field, filled with long, tall grass, blocking my view. The sun shone down brightly onto me, yet my eyes didn't hurt. In fact they seemed to love the light, loved to be able to see so clearly.

The wind was blowing, making the grass sway from side to side powerfully. I could see my black hair blowing in from of my face, blocking whatever view I had. I didn't know where I was, but it felt oddly calming.

I felt free, really free. Like a butterfly.

The adrenaline in me made me run. Run through all the grass, pushing passed the long grass. I didn't know where I was going, but I didn't care.

The air was cold and crisp against my skin, cooling me down as I ran.

The weather began to change as I ran. It went from a spring day, into a winter day. The air became incredibly cold, clouds filling the blue sky. Every breath came out like smoke from my lips. Snow began to fall from the sky, turning my black hair into white.

The grass fell down to the floor, clearing my view; allowing me to see my surroundings. The snow fell, building up upon the ground, making me find it harder to walk though it.

As I looked around me, I saw a never ending field, covered in snow. I was the only one here. An overwhelming sense of loneliness suddenly flooded over me, making a tear slowly fall down my cheek.

"Alexa" I suddenly heard the pain of someone calling my name from behind.

I turned around to see where the noise was coming from, and who from. Only to see a tall figure with a blade in their hand. They had a black mask, covering their face. I could see their eyes looking in my direction. I saw another taller figure in front of them drop to the ground, with their hands clenching onto their stomach.

I immediately began to run towards the falling figure, as the one with the blade stood back. I threw myself to the floor and place my arms underneath the person's head and back, leaning their body onto my lap.

"Alexa" the injured person called out with a deep voice, lifting their hand up to my face.

I saw the blood pouring out from the person's stomach. I moved my hand over to the person's mask, wanting to know who the injured person was.

As I began to lift the mask, I could see the his lips. My slowly beating heart stopped as I realised who this was.
I quickly lifted the mask over his head, revealing his whole face and messy blonde hair.

"Namjoon" my lips quivered as I looked down at him, his eyes were looking up to my face still as he gently stroked my face.

"Namjoon, no, no don't leave me" I cried out as I saw his eyes become glassy with his own tears. I moved my hand over to move his hair away from his face.

The snow around us was turning red from the blood leaving his body. The snow continued to fall onto us as I cradled him in my arms.

"I love you Alexa" He struggled to say from the pain he was in. I cried out as I watched him drifting away from me.

His arm dropped as his eyes began to look into nothing, seeing past me, yet looking directly at me. His arm dropped away from my face, falling to the side. After a moment, his head dropped to the side as all the life drained away from him.

I screamed out as I watched, I couldn't do anything. I gently laid his body down in the snow and fell down next to him. I wrapped my arms around him and cried to him.

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