Chapter Fifteen

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I had been in bed for the past 5 days and only got out to get food and socialise when I had to. Although I stayed in my room most of the time,  I always had my friends coming in; keeping me up to date with everything.

I had been told that Quarter Moon had let go of all the prisoners they were holding to find the lost princess,  but I'm not sure why. I didn't like the sound of it,  no one had heard anything from Quarter Moon. Don't get me wrong I was happy they had let go of all the girls there,  but I just know that there is something more to it.

Things weren't too bad here though,  Jungkook and J-hope had offered to work with the guards and security here since they had experience and thought that would be the best job for them. I think George appreciated it, they had experience with the guards at Quarter Moon,  so they knew better than anyone else how to operate against Quarter Moon. Namjoon however, had opted for a job that I wasn't expecting. He decided to work in the library, and do the odd bits to help out with the council here. He told me that he didn't want to do anything invasive and would rather stay behind the scenes unless he was needed.

"Alexa?" I heard Namjoon whisper slightly as he walked into our room. I was still laid in bed,  I had spent the whole night sleeping that I had practically woken up for the day.

"Yes?" I asked and sat up. It didn't hurt to sit up anymore or walk around,  the only thing that was still remotely painful was my rib,  and that was fairly easy to control the pain with the pills I had to take.

"Oh, you are awake" he beamed and sat down onto the bed and crossed his legs as he looked at me. I nodded and he continued to smile.

"Shouldn't you be asleep? It's midday" I commented as I made myself comfortable as I leant on the wall against the bed.

"I was asleep for a bit,  but I had an idea" he said and continued smiling and scooted closer to me a bit. I furrowed my eyebrows together as I looked at him confused.

"What kind of idea?" I asked as I lifted one of my eyebrows up at him.

"You know since we bonded we haven't really spent much time alone. I mean,  like doing something just the two of us and since you are pretty much completely better I thought we could do something together" he suggested,  and continued to smile at me with his teeth showing and his dimples on display. I would be lying if I didn't like the sound of this idea, even if I didn't know exactly what he had in mind.

"Okay, but what exactly are you thinking of?" I asked,  considering it was midday,  and this was all quite sudden.

"Have you ever been into the city centre during the evening time?" Namjoon asked. Honestly I hadn't really done much interactions with humans,  only a couple of encounters when I was younger. I suppose I would need to experience a lot more if I was going to become Queen. Actually,  I needed to do a lot more interactions with everyone and everything.

"Not really" I admitted and Namjoon looked down and smiled as he nodded his head slightly.

"Well that's where we are going. I have the day off tonight and it's not like you are going to be doing anything tonight" he said and got up off of the bed. I know this was probably risky and maybe wasn't the best idea,  but I couldn't help but want to adventure to somewhere like that. Plus I'd be safe with Namjoon by my side right?

"Okay, but I need to put makeup on first" I said and got up out of the bed and headed towards my drawers and picked out an outfit before quickly grabbing my makeup too.

I walked into the bathroom and began to apply foundation. The bruises hadn't gone completely,  they didn't hurt but they were at the weird stage when they are slightly yellow and discoloured. I decided that applying concealer and foundation was probably a good idea so that no one looked at me weirdly as I walked around like a human. I applied eyeshadow and eyeliner too,  I'd always like wearing browns on my eyes as it made my green eyes stand out.

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