Chapter 2 (Edited)

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Serena's POV:
"We're here . . ." I guess they already knew because the minute I stationed the car they all walked out of the car. They walked away leaving me alone in the car to gather my thoughts before heading towards the school. I gathered my things and walked out, the minute I did I was greeted by my group of friends with only Calem and Misty missing.

"Sere!!" May and Iris yelled out my nickname while Dawn approached me with her arms wide opened for me to be engulfed in a bear hug from her. "Morning Iris, Morning May, Morning Dawn!" They departed from the hug allowing me to fully breathe now.

"Where is Misty and Calem?" When I asked them they all sweat dropped. "Well Calem is working on the video you had requested he fixes while Misty . . ."

"Long story short Misty is about to beat up a kid for dropping her last donut." Dawn finished up Iris's sentence. My eyes widened at what she had just said and I began to run towards the courtyard, there to no surprise a small crowd formed around Misty on top of another student who seemed to be a year younger then us.

"Misty!" I was impressed as to how she manages to fight even when the schools uniform consists of a skirt and a buttoned up shirt that is meant to be tucked inside the bottom garment. "Look all you have to do is apologize and I will gladly let you go." The boy had no concern over his own life as he just looked at the red head with a bored expression.

"Come on Misty, I'll buy you a snack just let the poor kid go please." She gave in and got off the kid who only dusted himself off muttering a 'crazy lunatic' before swinging his book bag over his shoulder and walking away.

"Next time to get too worked up on small things, I'm starting to think you need me to be there for you twenty-four seven." My words caused Iris, Dawn, and May to giggle a bit. I patted Misty's back as we walked inside the school and began our way towards a nearby vending machine for her snack. "We have to hurry, I want to be able to see the video before we upload it onto YouTube. Hopefully, Calem made the video better."

I felt a few stares coming from the girls. "You have to stop doing that, your videos are always so inspiring and really well thought out!" Dawn 'scolded' me with eyes that held a mixture of disappointment and pride in them.

"Thank you girls! How about we meet up in the music room for lunch?" They all nodded their heads with smiles playing on their lips. Perfect!


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